时间:2021-01-29 23:00 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:城管执法的目的是维护城市秩序,提升文明,但一些城管在执法过程中方法失当,实际效果很不理想,不但没能通过对商贩的有序管理消除城市乱象,促进城市和谐,反而事与愿违平添矛盾冲突、损害城市形象。城管公信力每况愈下,城管执法的正当性、合法性遭受质疑,似乎掉进了“塔西佗陷阱”。本文分析到当前城管面临的现实困境主要是城管日渐处于舆论的弱势地位和公信力的逐步下降以至于面临失效的困境,这一困境形成的原因则包括公众对城管妖魔化印象根深蒂固、公共选择理论视角下的利益捆绑、弱势群体利益保护的道德制高点、相关法律保障机制不健全等,同时在总结国外城管“塔西佗陷阱”的治理经验的基础上,提出城管跨越“塔西佗陷阱”的治理对策,希望可以为有效解决当前城管困境提供理论与现实意义上的帮助。62835 毕业论文关键词:塔西佗陷阱;城管执法;公信力 Regarding urban management " Tacitus trap" and beyond Abstract: The law enforcement purpose is to maintain order in the city, enhance the civilization, but a number of police misconduct in law enforcement methods, the actual effect is not ideal, not only did not pass to the vendors of the orderly management of the eradication of urban chaos, promoting urban harmony, but it did not added conflicts and damage the city's image. Deteriorating urban management credibility, the legitimacy of the law enforcement and the legitimacy being questioned, it seems to fall into the "Tacitus trap." This paper analysis to the reality of the current difficulties facing the main urban management is gradually decreased gradually in the opinion of the urban disadvantaged status and credibility that facing the predicament of failure, this dilemma causes include the public to demonize urban impression, ingrained the perspective of public choice theory under the binding of interests to protect the interests of vulnerable groups, the moral high ground, the relevant laws the protection mechanism is not perfect, at the same time based on the experience of foreign urban governance "Tacitus trap", put forward the Countermeasures of urban management across the "Tacitus trap", hope can be effective solution to help provide the theoretical and practical dilemma of current urban management. Key Words: Tacitus trap;The urban management enforcement;Public confidence 2013年5月31日,城管队员围殴店主刘国峰一案中,执法人员跃起踩头的动作触碰了所有人的心理底线。一场普通的执法演变成极端暴力行为,这段执法视频上传到网上后引来网民们的集体声讨。 2013年7月17日,湖南临武县当地城管在执法过程中与瓜农邓正加发生肢体冲突,导致当事人死亡,涉事的6名城管队员被警方以涉嫌故意伤害罪拘留,该事件具体冲突的缘由以当事人的死因仍不得而知,社会公众对此事的关注度极高。 2014年4月17日,云南昭通昭阳区的城管到区一中门口执法时,与一名老人产生矛盾,其中城管队员欲动手打老人,引发周围学生的不满,近千名学生参与围殴城管人员。目前,公安机关已介入调查。 这些事件充分说明了当前城管执法存在的问题,城管为何得不到理解由此可见一斑。上网点击搜索有关城管执法的新闻,大多也是负面的,评论也几乎是负面的。这些现象也证实了当前城管执法陷入了进退两难的困境即仿佛城管无论做什么都是错的,似乎掉进了“塔西佗陷阱”,古罗马历史学家塔西佗认为:当失去公信力时,无论说真话还是假话,做好事还是坏事,都会认为是说假话、做坏事。 我认为如果还不寻求有效途径改善当前城管面临的困境,不仅会继续损害城管形象,使城管执法面临失效的困境,甚至为群体性事件的发生埋下隐患,以致严重影响社会稳定。 (责任编辑:qin) |