

毕业论文 > 计算机论文 >《操作系统》在线作业模块的设计与实现

关键词: 作业;数据库;自动;ASP.NET
"Operating Systems" Oline Homework System Design
Abstract:With the development and popularization of the Internet,people’s life has been geate changed.The influence of Internet is obvious to edcaution. Students get knowledge from various website.Teachers or unuversities can upload some educational resource for students downloading and studying.In this way,it makes studies in different time and place possible.It also makes the communication with students and teachers in i different time and place possible.
So,the teaching website is necessary and important.Traditional homework ,arranged by the teacher,completed by students in exercise book is not convenient.The online homework is convenient for students and teachers.It is not restricted by the time and place.As a part of Operating System teacing website,the Online Homework is reasonable and necessary.
KeyWords:homework; database; automatic; ASP.NET
1.    概述    1
1.1    选题背景    1
1.2    开发在线考试系统的目的和意义    1
1.3    系统架构    1
1.4    功能特点及优势    2
1.4.1    根据试卷题型进行自动判分或手工评分    2
1.4.2    作业的分析    2
1.5    ASP.NET 技术    3
1.5.1    ASP.NET与ASP的区别    3
1.5.2    ASP.NET的特点    3
2.    系统分析    5
2.1    系统分析    5
2.1.1    总体要求    5
2.1.2    可行性分析    5
2.2    系统功能结构    6
2.2.1    用户登录    6
2.2.2    学生在线作业    7
2.2.3    作业批改    8
2.2.4    作业结果的统计    9
2.2.5    作业分析    9
3.    系统总体结构设计    10
3.1    概念结构设计    10
3.2    数据字典    11
3.3    数据流图    12
3.4    状态转换图    12
4.    系统的详细设计    13
4.1    数据库总体设计    13
4.1.1    用户表结构    14
4.1.2    题目表结构    15
4.1.3    已发布作业表结构    17
5.    系统实现    18
5.1    登录模块的实现    18
5.2    作业模块的实现    19 (责任编辑:qin)