时间:2021-08-23 21:30 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘 要:蒋韵是一个难以被归类的作家,她有着独树一帜的女性zhuyi风格,擅长描写女性,爱情,死亡,生命这些永恒的主题。然而这些看似寻常的主题在她的笔下被赋予了新的内涵,浓郁的古典色彩让她的小说显得优美又神秘。她的文风不被时代的潮流所左右,坚持用今人的目光回溯旧时的故事形成她的古典情怀。古典和传统是她小说必不可少的两个要素,而作为女性作家世人更关注其笔下女性形象,忽略了小说中分量不多的男性角色,恰恰是男性角色最能体现古典这一特质,成为蒋韵小说不能或缺的部分。本文旨在探索古典情怀在蒋韵笔下的男性形象上的体现,着重选取几个典型形象加以分析。第一部分主要讨论最能体现古典君子形象的大先生这一角色,第二部选取阮梅龙这一形象探讨男性对自由爱情的渴望,第三部分则分析了具有古典之义的男性形象,第四部分聚焦在古典情怀在现代化进程中的逐渐消失和衰落。71192 毕业论文关键词:君子;传统;古典;情怀 Abstract: Jiang Yun is a writer who is difficult to be classified, she has a unique style of feminism, good at describing women, love, death, the eternal theme of life. However, these seemingly ordinary theme in her pen was given a new connotation, rich classical color to her novel is beautiful and mysterious. Her style is not influenced by the trend of the times, adhere to the people looked back the old story of the formation of her classical feelings. Classical and traditional is essential for her novel the two elements, and as a female writer in the world pay more attention to the female image in the pen, ignoring the male characters in the novel component of the, is precisely the male characters can best embody the characteristics of the classical, become Jiang Yun's novel not or missing points. The purpose of this paper is to explore the embodiment of the classical feelings in the male image of Jiang Yun's works, and to analyze the typical image. The first part mainly discussed the most can reflect the character of the classical image of gentleman Mr.Big, the second selection Ruan Meilong this image of men's desire for freedom of love, the third part analysis with classical meaning of the male image, the fourth part focus in the classical feelings in the modernization process of disappear gradually and the fading. Key words: gentleman; tradition; classical; feelings 提起蒋韵很多人都是陌生的,但说起李锐的妻子或者笛安的妈妈,知道的人就多了些。蒋韵的文字一如她的为人一样低调平和,不显山露水,在文坛上她难以被归为任何一派,尽管在1989年前她还是紧跟文学潮流写过“伤痕文学”和“和反思文学”,但很快她就走出了自己的路。当人们将目光聚焦在“新”的潮流时蒋韵却反其道而行专注于“旧”的一面,她又不局限于此,她的丈夫李锐指出她能够运用小说表达在宏大的历史进程中的生命的感受,尤其是那些被历史车轮掩盖的,遗漏的渺小个人的喜怒哀乐。当社会在飞速发展中物欲横流,文学的发展也变得浮躁起来,蒋韵则选择逆流而上去追寻传统的美好的东西。作为女性作家,确实,蒋韵将更多的目光投注在女性角色身上但她也塑造了自己理想中的男性形象,展现了在古典情怀里男性应如何做如何说。 一 古典之人 男权文化在我国的古老历史中由来已久,古人说女子生来就是服从别人的,从父亲兄长到丈夫儿子妇人,男权文化里男性拥有绝对的话语权,女性则是一种附属,所以蒋韵在《心爱的树》里塑造了“大君子”大先生这一形象,为的就是表现自己对尊重女性的古典君子的一种肯定和赞美。她曾经这样谈及《心爱的树》: (责任编辑:qin) |