

毕业论文 > 音乐舞蹈论文 >


摘  要:河南筝,指的是筝乐“九派”之一,有着“中州古调”(或称“郑卫之音”)之称的古筝流派,是“九派”筝乐的重要流派。我们都知道河南筝派,却不知河南筝派共有四支派组成。本文以河南筝派四支派创始人为例,通过介绍他们各自的生平、演奏风格和代表曲目三方面来揭示河南筝派丰富的筝乐风格,并由此传承和弘扬河南古筝的音乐艺术,以使其受到更多人的关注与喜爱,也希望通过本文能对保护传承非物质文化遗产略尽绵薄之力!关键词:河南筝;演奏风格;代表曲目;思考与展望10157
The tribes on the artistic features of Henan Zheng
------In case of the tribes of the founder
Abstract:The Henan Zheng zither music, refers to the "nine group", with"Zhongzhou ancient" (or "the music of Zheng Wei") said the style of genre, genre is the important "Nine" Zheng music. We all know that Henan Zheng pie, but I do not know Henan Zheng has a total of four tribes. In this paper, the founder of Henan Zheng four tribes as an example, through the introduction of their own life, playing style and repertoire of three aspects to reveal Henan Zheng zither music style, rich, and thus inherit and carry forward the Henan Zheng music, so that their attention and loved by more people, also hope that through this article on the protection of non material cultural heritage contribute a little!
  Keywords: Henan zheng; playing style; repertoire of reflection; Prospect and Analysis
目  录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、河南筝综述    2
(一)发展历程和形成渊源    2
(二)曲目来源    2
二、对河南筝派四支派具有代表性的筝家进行表述研究    3
(一)遂平魏子猷    3
(二)邓县曹东扶    4
(三)泌阳王省吾    5
(四)叶县任清芝    6
三、河南筝派的现代传承与推广    7
(一)河南筝派的现代传承推广    7
(二)思考与展望    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
    传统筝曲也有两个来源:一是河南曲子中的器乐演奏部分,包括板头曲和唱腔牌子曲;二是河南曲剧 的器乐演奏部分。古筝在最开始并不是一种独立的演奏乐器,它多为乐曲伴奏或与其他乐器例如琵琶、二胡等合奏。 (责任编辑:qin)