

毕业论文 > 计算机论文 >




Design and implementation of commodity information management software

Abstract:With the development of computer, digital management has been completely can replace manual management mode, but the supermarket products currently on the market information management system function mostly complex, cumbersome operation, does not apply to small supermarket commodity information management。 The development characteristic of this system is for small supermarket developed by a small supermarket commodity information management software, can effectively improve the work efficiency, enhance competitiveness。 It mainly includes several modules: user login, commodity classification management, commodity information management, etc。 So as to realize the merchandise inventory and sales in a timely manner to understand, then to help operator to master and analyze the business situation。

Key words: The supermarket management; Commodity information; Operating condition 

目    录

摘  要 1

1。项目的需求分析 1

1。1项目来源 1

1。2项目开发目标 2

1。3运行环境 2

1。4开发环境 2

2。项目总体设计 2

2。1系统技术框架设计 2

2。2功能模块设计 3

2。3 系统数据库设计 3

3。项目的具体实现 4

3。1登录管理模块的实现 4

3。2 商品分类管理功能模块实现 5

3。3商品分类管理功能模块实现 5

4。测试 7

4。1黑盒测试 7

5。项目技术总结 8

5。1 技术的特点 8

5。2 个人收获与体会 9

参考文献 9

致谢 11





超市的数据和业务越来越庞大,而计算机就是一种高效的管理系统,这就需要我们把超市的管理与计算机结合起来,从而超市管理系统应运而生。依靠现代化的计算机信息处理技术来管理超市,节省了大量的人力、物力,改善了员工的并且能够快速反映出商品的进、销、存等状况和各种反馈信息分析,使管理人员快速对市场的变化做出相应的决策,加快超市经营管理效率。论文网 (责任编辑:qin)