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时间:2024-05-06 22:55来源:95304



Abstract:With the lack of energy and the deterioration of the environment, great attentions have been focused on the fuel cells for the future application. In order to improve the performers, the conductive characteristic of the corresponding catalysts is necessary. Herein, the conductivity of the current two-dimensional catalysts (graphene, boron nitride and silicon carbide) has been studied in detail using the  density functional  theory calculation.The effect of the defects as well as the applied strain has been considered. Based on the  results of the band structure and Mulliken charge, the conductivity of graphene shows the dependence on the present of vacancy. For the graphene with a C vacancy (2C defect), the conductivities are enhanced (decreased). However, the effect of the applied strain on the conductivity could be neglected. For boron nitride, the influence of the defect and the strain is more complex.The conductivity of boron nitride with BN defect increases compared with the other structures. As the strain applied, the conductivity enhances for theboron nitride with N vacancy and BN defect.For the silicon carbide, the presence of defect would enhance the electrical conductivity. However, the different structure shows different conductivity behaviors as the presence of the strain. For silicon carbide without and with C vacancy, the conductivity enhances as the strain increases; for the case with Si vacancy, the presence of strain reduces the conductivity; for the presence of the SiC defect, the conductivity weakened and then enhanced.

Key words: proton exchange membrane fuel cell; graphene; boron nitride; silicon carbide


第一章绪论 1

1.1燃料电池的研究背景以及意义 1

1.2燃料电池 2

1.2.1燃料电池原理及组成 2

1.2.2燃料电池的优缺点及分类 3

1.3质子交换膜燃料电池 MS质子交换膜燃料电池电极催化层-电导性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/renwushu/lunwen_203688.html
