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时间:2024-01-31 22:05来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The objective was to study the differences of nutritional components of male’s and female’s pigeon milk from 0 days of squab age to 8 days of squab age。 Twelve pigeons that were just fed by male and female pigeons were randomly selected on Day 2, 4, 6 and 8 respectively, then collected pigeon milk samples for content analysis of dry matter, gross energy, crude fat, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus。 The results showed as follows, the dry matter content of pigeon milk in day 4 and day 6 was significantly higher than that of the 2nd day (P<0。05)。 The crude fat content and crude protein content of male and female pigeon milk were decreased, and the content of crude fat in male and female pigeon milk in day 8 was significantly lower than that in day 6 (P<0。05)。 There was no significant change in calcium content of pigeon milk at day 4, day 6 and age 2 (P>0。05), and the 8th day was significantly higher (P<0。05)。 The contents of phosphorus of male and female pigeon milk at day 4 and day 6 were significantly lower than those of the 2nd day (P<0。05), and the 8th day was significantly higher than that on the 6th day of age(P<0。05)。 Conclusion: This study shows that the crude fat, crude protein and total energy of pigeon milk secreted by male and female pigeons presented an obvious trend of decreasing, while the content of calcium was increasing and there are differences in gender。 This study provides a theoretical basis for the future development of artificial pigeon milk。

Keywords: Pigeon, Pigeon milk, Nutrition ingredients

目 录

1 引言 6

2 材料与方法 6

2。1 实验材料。6

2。2 采样与制样。。6

2。3 试验方法 6

2。3。1 干物质的测量方法7

2。3。2 总能量的测量方法7

2。3。3 粗脂肪的测量方法7

2。3。4 粗蛋白的测量方法8

2。3。5 钙的测量方法。8

2。3。6 磷的测量方法。9

2。4 数据分析 。。10

3 实验结果 。10

3。1 0-8日龄乳鸽鸽乳中干物质,粗脂肪,粗蛋白的变化。。10

3。2 0-8日龄乳鸽鸽乳中总能量的变化12

3。3 0-8日龄乳鸽鸽乳中钙、磷含量的变化。。12

4 讨论14


参考文献 17

致谢 。19

1 引言源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

家鸽(Columba livia domestica),属脊椎动物亚门、鸟纲,今鸟亚纲,突胸总目,鸽形目,鸠鸽科,鸟属。鸽肉由于营养价值高,含有高蛋白、丰富的氨基酸,味道鲜美,已成为四大家禽之一。鸽属于晚成雏鸟类,一夫一妻制,且雌雄鸽都进行筑巢,孵化雏鸟,哺育雏鸟的工作[1]。刚出壳的雏鸟需在亲鸽的哺育下成长,雌雄亲鸽通过嗉囊的蠕动收缩将鸽乳吐喂给雏鸽进行喂食,雏鸽需经亲鸽哺育30天后才能独立[2]。目前我国各大城市尤其是广东香港等地区[3],对乳鸽的需求量不断增长,肉鸽养殖业不断发展壮大,然而肉鸽养殖效率仍不能得到有效的提高,目前市场完全无法满足消费要求,亲鸽的自然哺育效率低,乳鸽生长慢。人工鸽乳的研发,有效的促进了乳鸽的生产效率,改善乳鸽的出栏率,进一步满足市场需求。 0-8日龄时期雌雄种鸽分泌鸽乳的营养成分差异比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_201421.html
