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时间:2021-01-21 21:39来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Through the research of the total growth of Procambarus clarkiis in the common cultivation, the study sampled them every week or half a week, measured the length, body length, carapace length, carapace length width and single weight, and analyzed the relationship between body length and weight, relative weight gain rate and body length ratio of body weight. The results showed that the relationship between body length and body weight of procambarus clarkii is y=0.0098x3.4419, R2=0.9032. It illustrates that the growth of Procambarus clarkii is allometric with body length and body weight of morphological parameters y=a*Lb. The change of body length and weight ratio showed that the growth of Procambarus clarkii was linear. So, Procambarus clarkii is suitable for growth in the common cultivation between Procambarus clarkii and rice.

Keywords: Procambarus clarkii, the relationship between body length and weight, relative weight gain rate, the radio between carapace length and width 

1 引言 5

2 材料与方法 6

2.1 试验材料 6

2.1.1稻田 6

2.1.2 试验用虾 7

2.2 试验方法 7

2.2.2 日常管理 7

2.2.3 样品采集 8

2.2.4 样品测量 8

2.3 指标计算 8

3 结果与分析 8

3.1 水质情况 8

3.2 克氏原螯虾基本生长情况 9

3.2.1 体重全长的关系 10

3.2.2 相对增重率 10

3.2.3 全长变化规律 11

3.2.4 体长变化规律 12

3.2.5 头胸甲长宽比值变化规律 12

3.2.6体重和全长比值的变化规律 13

4 讨论 14

4.1 体重和全长的关系 14

4.2 相对增重率 14

4.3 体重和全长比值的变化规律 14

4.4 克氏原螯虾生长变化与头胸甲长宽比值的关系 14

4.5 水质情况与克氏原螯虾生长的关系 14

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

1 引言

稻虾养殖即水稻、克氏原螯虾共作的一种新型养殖模式。克氏原螯虾又称淡水小龙虾,隶属甲壳纲、十足目、螯虾科。原分布在美国南部和墨西哥北部,后经引入广泛分布于欧洲、非洲、中南美洲及东南亚等地,于1918年引入日本,30年代末期由日本传入我国南京附近,如今已广泛分布于江苏、湖北、江西、安徽等长江中下游地区。近几十年,其种群发展很快,在有的湖泊和地区已成为优势种群,是重要的水产资源[1]。克氏原螯虾主要以水生植物为生,或者以植物碎屑和相关微生物为食物。成虾趋向于植食性,而稚虾趋向肉食性或者杂食性[2]。 稻虾养殖过程中小龙虾生长变化研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_68699.html
