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时间:2022-06-11 14:39来源:毕业论文



Study on Extraction Technology of Purple Sweet Potato Pigment

Abstract:In this paper, the extraction conditions of purple sweet potato were studied。 The optimum conditions were determined by single factor orthogonal experiment。 The experimental results showed that the best temperature in the single factor experiment was 40 ℃, the best Of the extraction agent for the citric acid, the material ratio of 1:30, extraction time of 4h。 The results showed that the extraction rate of purple sweet potato was the best when the concentration of citric acid was 10%, the ratio of material to 1:30, extraction temperature was 50 ℃ and extraction time was 4h。 For the factory large-scale production, as well as the application of life to provide a complete theoretical basis。

Key words: purple sweet potato; pigment; extraction technology; research


1 绪论 1

1。1课题背景 1

1。2紫甘薯红色素概述 2

1。3紫甘薯色素的应用 3

1。3。1 抗氧化、清除自由基方面 3

1。3。2 改善功能方面 3

1。3。3 改善肝功能方面 3

1。3。4 抗癌方面 4

1。4紫甘薯色素提取工艺的研究进展 4

1。5紫甘薯色素提取实验简介 5

1。5。1 PSPC的提取 5

1。5。2 PSPC的纯化 7

2 实验材料与方案 8

2。1材料与设备 8

2。1。1材料 8

2。1。2主要试剂 8

2。3。3主要仪器 8

2。2实验方法 8

2。2。1材料预处理 8

2。2。2 测定波长的选择 8

2。2。3 色价的测定方法 8

2。2。4 色素含量测定和得率计算方法 9

2。3色素提取实验研究 9

2。3。1 不同提取液对紫甘薯色素得率的影响 9

2。3。2 提取液浓度对紫甘薯色素得率的影响 9

2。3。3 温度对紫甘薯色素提取得率的影响 10

2。3。4 料液比对紫甘薯色素提取得率的影响 10

2。3。5 提取时间对紫甘薯色素提取得率的影响 10

2。3。6 正交实验 10

3结果与分析 11

3。1 最大吸收波长测定 11 紫甘薯色素提取工艺研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_95176.html
