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时间:2023-05-08 23:05来源:毕业论文

摘要基于对两国教材的整体比较,构建了宏观和微观的比较模型。运用定量、定性相结合的 研究方法,对美国 Prentice Hall 版教材与我国人教版教材中的几何内容进行比较。发现两国 教材在几何内容的编排上具有较强的逻辑性、系统性;两国教材都采用了螺旋上升的编排方 式,但美国教材的螺旋次数明显高于人教版教材;我国的知识点更具有深度,而美国的知识 点更具有广度。进一步对两国教材中的“直线与方程”内容进行比较,发现两国教材在相关 知识的引入、知识的应用、习题的难易程度分配上方面有较大差异,在思维水平上无明显不 同;中国教材更注重知识的导入与体验,更关注数学背景,而美国教材更注重对知识的应用 以及对生活背景的结合。88682

Based on the overall comparison of teaching material of the two countries, the comparison of macroscopic and microscopic model is constructed。 Using the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, Prentice Hall edition teaching material to the United States compared with geometric content of people education press textbooks in our country。 Found materials in geometry on the arrangement of the two countries with strong logical, systematic; The teaching material of the two countries have adopted the spiral arrangement way, but the PEP textbooks are spiral number significantly higher than the teaching materials in the United States; Our knowledge has more depth, and the United States is more breadth of knowledge。 Further on teaching material in the two countries "straight line and the equation" content, found that the two materials in the introduction of the relevant knowledge, the application of knowledge, to the difficulty of the problem sets assigned aspects have bigger difference, no obvious different on the level of thinking; Chinese teaching experience of import and pay more attention to knowledge, pay more attention to mathematical background, while the United States more emphasis on the application of knowledge and the combination of the background of life。

毕业论文关键词:中国; 美国; 教材; 几何; 直线与方程

Keywords:China;the United States;teaching materials;geometry; straight line with equation


摘要 2

1 引言 4

1。1 研究的背景 4

1。2 研究的意义 4

2 中美高中几何教材源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 整体比较 4

2。1 教材形式与编写的板块框架比较 4

2。2 两国教材中几何知识内容的宏观比较 5

2。3 两国教材中几何知识内容的微观比较 6

3 以直线与方程为具体内容量化比较 9

3。1 知识点微观量化比较模型构建 9

3。2 量化数据表 10

3。3 量化数据折线图 12

4 以直线与方程为案例具体展开 13

4。1 编写模式比较 13

4。2 引入方式比较 14

4。3 知识背景比较 15

4。4 数学活动比较 16

4。5 例题与练习题比较 17

5 小结与启示 19

5。1 小结 中美高中几何教学内容比较研究直线与方程为例:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_165454.html
