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时间:2023-11-14 23:23来源:毕业论文



Abstract: As the research area, this article selects Suzhou using the ecological footprint method to Suzhou city in 2000-2015 of ecological footprint, ecological capacity and ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP is calculated and the results analysis, the results show that Suzhou city in 2015, the per ecological footprint is 5。25 hm2, 0。27 hm2 per available  capacity, ecological deficit is 4。98 hm2, ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP is from 0。89 hm2 in 2000 to 0。38 hm2 in 2015。 Its ecological footprint while still rise, but the slow rise  and bearing capacity of the ecological footprint in slowly decrease, as well as the  ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP is decreased year, illustrates the Suzhou city is vigorously promote the development of circular economy, to gradually change the energy  structure, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, do the rational planning of land, the protection of cultivated land has carried on the strict, gradually reduce the ecological deficit, gradually to the sustainable economic development。

Keywords: Suzhou city,ecological footprint,ecological carrying capacity,EF Demand by GDP of 10,000 RMB,sustainable development


1 前言 4

2 研究方法 4

2。1研究区概况 4

2。2生态足迹模型 4

2。3生态承载力模型 5

3 计算结果 5

3。1数据来源与计算 5

3。22015年苏州市生物资源消费生态足迹 5

3。32015年苏州市能源资源消费生态足迹 6

3。42015年人均生态足迹及人均生态承载力 7

4 数据分析 8

4。1生态足迹分析 8

4。2生态承载力分析 9

4。3生物资源与能源资源生态足迹分析 10

4。4万元GDP生态足迹分析 10


参考文献 13



现阶段中国的发展,需要重视对社会经济的可持续发展,才能更好地在拥有良好的生态环境条件下持续稳定进行经济增长。本文是利用对生态足迹的方法对地区可持续发展性作出分析,生态足迹模型概念是1992年加拿大生态经济学家WilliamE。Rees和Wackernagel提出的一种度量可持续发展程度的指标,并由1999年开始在国内引用[1],又被称作生态空间占用,近年来被用作测度生态可持续发展的定量方法,也是度量人类活动对生态系统的压力和影响,以及生态可承载范围的一条途径[2]。 基于生态足迹方法的苏州市可持续发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_198619.html
