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时间:2024-01-17 21:03来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Under the new normal education, how to further deepen the reform of mathematics education, and constantly improve the quality of mathematics teaching, has become a major core of education and teaching demands。 Classroom questioning, as an effective means of mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools, has a direct impact on the efficiency of students' learning, and the quality of the classroom。 Therefore, in mathematics teaching practice, teachers must fully grasp the skills and principles of questioning in class, so as to enhance the effectiveness of classroom questioning。 In this regard, combining with the reality of mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools, the basic concept characteristics after a brief overview of primary and middle school mathematics classroom questioning, analyzes the problems and causes in the mathematics classroom questioning in primary school and middle school, and puts forward the principle and skill of generating effective mathematics classroom questioning, in order to provide a useful reference for teachers。

Key words: mathematics in primary and middle schools, classroom questioning,problems and causes,skills and principles 


1 前言 4

2  中小学数学课堂提问的概念与特点 4

2。1基本概念 4

2。2基本特点 4

2。2。1应用性 4

2。2。2创新性 4

2。2。3逻辑性 5

3  数学课堂提问的问题 5

3。1设计不当 5

3。2应用失当 5

3。3实施错位 6

3。4评价不适 6

4  数学课堂提问的原因 7

4。1教师维度 7

4。2学生维度 7

4。3教学维度 8

5  数学课堂提问的技巧与原则 8

5。1 提问技巧 8

5。1。1创新方式,来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766 激发兴趣 9

5。1。2优化氛围,鼓励发问 9

5。1。3创设情境,丰富类型 10

5。1。4关键提问,加深印象 10

5。1。5角色互换,开放提问 10

5。2提问原则 10

5。2。1目的性 10 数学课堂中提问的技巧与原则:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_200851.html
