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时间:2024-03-26 22:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences pointed out that in the human intelligence structure, each person contains at least nine kinds of intelligent elements。 However,these nine kinds of intelligence in each person in different ways, different degrees of combination and presents a different intelligence characteristics。 Gardner's theory emphasizes students 'persity, personality and dynamic development, emphasizing the variety of potential development of students in teaching。 Among them, the related principles and viewpoints are of great significance to the reform of primary mathematics curriculum and the implementation of quality education。 According to the characteristics of mathematics teaching in primary school, stand on the basis of Gardiner's theory , the specific analysis of the significance of the application of multi intelligence theory in primary school mathematics teaching, to explore the primary school mathematics teaching under the theory focus。 In order to find the maximum to explore suitable for every student to study the elementary school mathematics teaching mode, the greatest degree to the development and utilization of potential possibility for the development of each student, to the elementary school mathematics classroom teaching to provide some effective teaching strategies。

Keywords:Multiple intelligence theory ,The elementary school mathematics ,Teaching

目   录

1  前言…3

2  多元智能理论概述…3

3  多元智能理论应用于小学数学教学的意义…4

3。1  积极乐观的学生观4

3。2  因材施教的教学观4

3。3  科学多样的智能观4

3。4  多元多维的评价观5

4  多元智能理论指导下的小学数学教学…5

4。1  创设环境激发学生潜能5

4。2  培养学生数学学习兴趣5

4。3  运用多样化的教学手段6

4。4  设计布置丰富的作业形式…7

结论 9

参考文献 … 10

1  前言

随着基础教育数学课程改革的实施,传统的小学数学教育思想、教学内容和方法等已经不能很好的去适应现代教育的发展,新的课程理念与教师传统教学方式之间的矛盾也是日益突出。加德纳针对传统智能理论,在自己研究的基础之上提出了多元智能理论,站在其理论的高度,重新以一个多元的视角对待小学数学课堂教学,思考如何在小学数学教学中发展学生的多元智能已经成为一种发展趋势。基础教育数学课程改革的实施,也正需要我们在多元智能理论的支撑下,用一种新的理念和方法来分析、思考和探讨小学数学课堂教学,为新的小学数学课程目标的实现提供一些具体的、切实可行的操作模式。 多元智能理论在小学数学教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_203016.html
