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时间:2024-07-09 22:08来源:95769





Abstract:In many social studies, most of the response variables are classified rather than con- tinuous. In order to compensate for the shortcomings of linear models, we usually use dis- criminant analysis, Probit analysis, logarithmic linear model and other statistical methods, one of the most popular models is the Logistic regression model. Over the years, the Lo- gistic regression model has been widely used in financial, medicine science, environmental science and many other fields, which have achieved remarkable results.

This paper introduces the profile and classification of Logistic regression analysis model. The main research model is the two-category dependent variables Logistic regres- sion model, and its parameters estimation, model evaluation, regression coefficient inter- pretation and statistical inference are studied in detail.

In this paper, we study the role of the two-category dependent variables Logistic re- gression model in the research of financial distress early warning in China's listed compa- nies, by collecting the latest financial indicator data and use R. Firstly, we use the K-S test sample's normality, so we select the Wilcoxon rank sum test to test the significance of the differences in the predicted variables, which is an important nonparametric test. And then conduct a correlation analysis to avoid the multi-collinearity problem, which is caused by the correlation between financial indicators. The optimal combination of variables is gained by the gradual regression of the remaining seven initial predictors. After the final model is fitted, we need to evaluate the model. Test the goodness of the model by AIC, and

evaluate the accuracy of model with the Pseudo  and the classification tables, estab-lished by using 2015 model group and 2016 test group. The regression factors are esti-mated by the Wald test and then study the confidence interval of the parameters. Moreover, the regression coefficients are explained by the occurrence rate. On the whole, the early warning model of this paper is accurate and effective in predicting the financial distress of our listed companies.

Keywords: Logistic regression; model evaluation; financial distress warning; R soft- ware

第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状及存在的问题 Logistic回归分析模型的应用及R软件实现:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204233.html
