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时间:2024-10-09 22:05来源:97801



abstract:It is one of the most important problems in the research that the most current and the least cost flow are combined in various network traffic related problems. It involves not only minimal cost in network flows, but also maximum flow. It can be said that network traffic in a difficult problem. The reason why people have a very strong on minimum cost maximum flow problem of research interest because of this kind of problem is combined with People's Daily lives is very deep, because it has been used in many ways. In daily life, women who stay indoors for a long time like shopping on the Internet. During the holiday season, those who have been working hard for a long time finally have time to rest and travel. Every major scenic area has a huge flow of people. When I travel daily, I will encounter the problem of traffic congestion in the morning peak and the evening peak, that is, the problem of traffic flow. These are all related problems that can be seen everywhere in real life. And need some similar problems, through digital expression in computer network, the engineering project, and other frontier issues in the field of application, as more and more people into the minimum cost maximum flow problems related to research, gradually accumulated many theoretical basis, and practical application. Many theoretical models are obtained. And not only in theory, but also in real life.

The key point of this paper is to use graph theory to solve the minimum cost and maximum flow network flow problems. Finally, the application of minimum cost and maximum traffic in network coding is given.

Keywords:Capacity  -  cost  network  diagram;  The  short  circuit;  Maximum     flow;Minimum cost; Minimum cost maximum flow


一绪论 6

1.1课题的目的和意义 6

1.2国内外研究状况及发展趋势 最小费用最大流问题算法及应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204806.html
