Analysis and evaluation of operating efficiency has been the focus of academic research through the establishment of comprehensive evaluation index system, you can develop all aspects of business performance and a certain degree of business enterprises comprehensive evaluation period. Real estate has played a very important role in China's industrial system. For real estate companies to evaluate operational effectiveness, not only help to improve enterprise management level, but also conducive to the expansion of employment opportunities that can drive business profit and growth to help business owners, according to industry conditions, make good investment decisions.
In this paper, through analysis and comparison, with 50 real estate companies in 2013 financial data as samples of our real estate business efficiency research. First, a general understanding about the realities of the real estate business, then the relevant factors that affect the operational effectiveness of the evaluation of real estate companies have to conduct in-depth research and analysis. In this process, the use of factor analysis Establishment of Evaluation Model, and the findings made further analysis and evaluation, put forward relevant policy recommendations for the development of real estate companies in order to provide an effective theory.
Keyword: Real estate business;Benefit Assessment;Factor analysis
目 录
1 引言 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究内容 4
2 因子分析模型 4
3 房地产企业经营效益指标体系构建 5
3.1 房地产行业发展现状 5
3.2 样本选取和数据来源 5
3.2.1 样本选取 5
3.2.2 指标选取 5
3.3 房地产企业指标分析与评价 6
3.3.1 财务指标分析 6
3.3.2 非财务指标分析 7
4 因子分析法在房地产企业经营效益评价中的应用 7
4.1 因子分析适用性检验 7
4.2 总方差分解 8
4.3 转轴后的因素矩阵 9
4.4 因子得分系数矩阵 10
4.5 结果分析 12
4.5.1 因子得分协方差矩阵 12
4.5.2 综合经营效益得分 基于因子分析法的房地产企业经营效益分析:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_45340.html