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时间:2020-04-19 11:26来源:毕业论文


The answer to the applied problems is always difficult for students. therefore ,Word teaching is an important part of mathematics teaching. This paper I summed up seven types of word problems by classifying the word problems of junior high school.  Through the study of the seven questions one by one I summed up the unique to each type of topic and found solving incision to each type of them by analysize on the characteristics of each problems. Through the analysis of the word problem solving difficulties and teaching strategy research , We can understand the present situation of the students of junior high school how to solve the word problems now better. Also it can help teachers improve students' application ability to solve problems more effectively.

毕业论文关键词:初中数学应用题; 教学方式;应用题分类研究; 

  Keywords:mathematics word problems of junior middle school;Teaching methods;       classification of application problems


1. 相关问题概述 4

1.1研究的目的 4

1.2研究的必要性 4

1.3研究的现状 4

1.3.1学生应用探究能力较差 4

1.3.2受到传统教材和教学方式的影响 5

2. 具体应用题类型分析 5

2.1方程应用题 5

2.1.1方程应用题梳理 5

2.1.2方程应用题例题解析 5

2.2不等式应用题 6

2.2.1不等式应用题梳理 6

2.2.2不等式应用题例题解析 6

2.3一次函数应用题 7

2.3.1一次函数应用题梳理:(中国知网一次函数应用题2011年中考试题中的一次函数应用题—黄细把) 7

2.4二次函数应用题 8

2.4.1二次函数重难点分析 8

2.4.2二次函数例题解析 8

2.5统计应用题 9

2.5.2统计应用题例题分析 9

2.6解三角形应用题 10

2.6.1三角形应用题知识梳理 10

2.6.2解直角三角形应用题例题解析 10

3. 总结分析 11

3.1传统教学模式和旧教材的影响 11

3.2学生接受的训练过少 11

3.3应用题类型较多,系统复习困难 11

3.4数学应用题教学研究 11

3.4.1心理战胜是基础 应用题解题困难分析和教学策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_50164.html
