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时间:2020-06-10 20:03来源:毕业论文


This paper attempted to discuss the analogical transfer in mathematics problem solving. Firstly we introduced the process and mechanism of analogical transfer in mathematics problem solving. Secondly we listed some common applications of analogical transfer in mathematics problem solving, then put forward the objective and subjective factors of analogical transfer in mathematical problem solving with analogical transfer process analysis. Finally we provided some advice in the penetration of analogical transfer in mathematics teaching. Although this paper emphasized the importance of analogical transfer in mathematics problems solving, teachers in class need to pay attention to the analogy as a method of mathematical discovery, not abuse.

毕业论文关键词:数学问题; 问题解决; 类比迁移

Keyword: Mathematics problem;Problem solving;Analogical transfer

目    录

1、 引言 4

2、 数学问题解决中类比迁移的过程、机制 4

2.1 数学问题解决中类比迁移的一般认知过程 4

2.1.1 构建数学问题的表征 4

2.1.2 发散类比,建立数学问题空间 5

2.1.3 细节对照,改进数学问题空间 5

2.1.4 总结解题经验,优化原有认知系统 5

2.2 数学问题解决中类比迁移的机制 6

2.2.1 结构映射理论 6

2.2.2 实用图式理论 6

2.2.3 示例理论 6

3、 数学问题解决中类比迁移的常见应用 7

3.1 数学知识的类比迁移 7

3.2 数学解题方法的类比迁移 7

3.3 数学结构的类比迁移 8

3.4 数与形的类比迁移 8

3.5 关系的类比迁移 9

4、 数学问题解决中类比迁移的影响因素 9

4.1 客观因素 9

4.2 主观因素 10

5、 类比迁移思想的教学 浅谈数学问题解决中的类比迁移思想:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_53933.html
