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时间:2020-08-02 11:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The development of structured teaching in the west provides a valuable experience for China’s basic educational reform. The Structured Teaching of Primary Mathematics aims to promote students to form a good cognitive structure, based on the students’ understanding structure to organize teaching, so that students can autonomously form cognitive structure in the mind. The Structured Teaching makes for regular pattern in learning, which is conducive to enhance learning efficiency. This paper attempts to draw lessons from Bruner’s Cognitive Learning Theory and Constructivism to explore a suitable structured pattern about mathematics teaching in China’s educational reform. The Structured Mathematical Teaching highlights the significance of the new teaching ideas " whole - part - whole", and combine mathematical thinking in the structured teaching to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of students' thinking , and to rebuild the value pursuit of the mathematical teaching in elementary school. This paper puts forward three main implementation strategies about structured teaching : follow the cognitive rules and build knowledge networks ; optimize teaching methods, guide mathematical learning methods; chunk mathematics thought, enhance mathematical thinking .

Keywords:Primary Mathematics, Structured Teaching, Structuralism ,value, strategies  

目 录

1  引言.4


2.1 问题研究的背景5

2.2 研究的基本问题6

3 小学数学结构化教学思想的理论依据.7

3.1 布鲁纳的认知—结构主义学习理论7

3.2 建构主义的学习理论8

4 小学数学结构化教学的研究价值.9

4.1 寓教学思想方法于数学结构化教学之中9

4.2 重建小学数学教学的价值追求10

5 小学数学结构化教学实施的策略.10

5.1 遵循认知规律,搭建知识网络10

5.2 优化教学方法,指导数学学法11

5.3 组块数学思想,提升数学思维13



1 引言

笔者在大学初期就接触过“新基础教育”, 了解到“新基础教育”旨在遵循教育规律进行教学,让教育更具科学性;以学生为本,关注学生的身心健康,提倡愉悦式教育;师生在教育过程中通过师生互动达到共同发展。笔者想在大学毕业之后从事小学数学教学,因而笔者心中一直存在一个疑问——小学数学课堂如何教学才能真正体现“新基础教育”的理念呢?

笔者大四时在常州市第二实验小学(该小学是“新基础教育”的试点学校)实习了2个多月,在实习期间深入常州第二实验小学的数学课堂,开始接触到“新基础教育”在数学课堂中的探索——“教结构”、“用结构”。“教结构”既包括联系这个数学知识点在小学各学段的不同要求,也包含同类知识点在学习方法结构上的相似性、可迁移性。“教结构”体现了数学知识的整体性、逻辑性、科学性。“用结构”就是在学生对“教结构”的内容进行内化吸收之后,学生自己主动建构学习的一个过程。笔者在实习期间深入过四年级、六年级的数学课堂,深刻感受到这种“教结构”、“用结构”对小学生数学思维品质方面的巨大的提升作用。因而在实习期间,笔者对小学数学教学萌发了“小学数学结构化”教学的想法。 论小学数学结构化教学:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_57462.html
