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时间:2020-12-31 17:25来源:毕业论文


This paper adopts literature research and statistics analysis, the detailed contrast of California geometry textbook and China zhejiang ninth grade mathematics teaching material, preliminarily concluded that the two countries similar content in the junior middle school mathematics knowledge roughly embodied in the differences of learning sequence, and the emphasis of study. Knowledge content is between the two countries adopt progressive transformation of the layout, but the slightly higher levels of zhejiang textbooks in our country, makes the teaching materials for more different levels of students; Teaching material arrangement between the two countries import, concepts, derivations of the knowledge, the application of knowledge, examples and exercises difficulty levels have very big difference, the teaching material focuses more on the basis, the topic quantity is more, but our country focused more on signs of experience and knowledge. Based on the research of this paper and the thoughts of the author, for compiling textbooks in our country put forward the following Suggestions: enhance the situation to import a lot of fun, cultivate the students' interest in learning mathematics; Add to consider cooperation study, strengthen the cooperation and communication between students; Perfect knowledge into daily life, to cultivate students the consciousness of the applied mathematics.

毕业论文关键词: 教材比较;相似; 知识内容; 

Keyword: comparison of teaching material;similarity;knowledge content

引言 4

一、整体比较 4

(一)具体内容比较 4

(二)知识结构呈现方式比较 6

二、教学比较分析 6

(一)教学目标比较分析 6

(二)教学过程比较分析 7

四、例题与练习题的比较分析 8

(一)难度水平比较分析 8

(二)单元练习题的编写比较分析 9

五、总结思考 12


中美两国在图形与几何课程的设置理念上基本上是相近的,提倡以人为本,关注学生未来的发展。首先,两国课标上都注重了几何思维和数学素养的进一步发展。中国课标的总体目标中强调了对学生“发现问题和提出问题,分析和解决问题”的能力的要求。美国课表要求学生通过作图、度量、直观想象、比较、变换和对几何图形分类,来研究几何关系。其次,两国都对学生因材施教,不存在统一的教学模式,对学生提供进一步学习数学的基础。其中美国课标也表示:几何对发展数学推理,包括归纳和演绎推理,提出和证实猜想,对几何图形分类和定义都会提供丰富的材料。[6] 中美初中数学几何教材比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_67416.html
