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时间:2021-08-31 21:51来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文通过诠释数学核心素养和数学阅读能力的涵义和重要性;分析当前小学生数学阅读能力的现状和阅读能力差的成因;探究在数学课外活动和课后作业中如何有效提高小学生数学阅读能力,养成良好的数学素养的方法这几个方面,探索聚焦数学核心素养,提高数学阅读能力对学生数学学习的价值和意义。如今的小学生普遍缺少数学阅读,数学阅读能力差,数学素养差,导致数学学习的困难。因此,我们必须在小学阶段有意识地培养和提高学生的数学阅读能力,让学生养成良好的数学素养,为终生学习做铺垫。71578


Abstract:By explaining the meaning and importance of core of mathematical literacy and mathematical reading ability, analyzing the status of primary students’ mathematical reading ability and why their mathematical reading ability is so poor,  and exploring how to improve their mathematical reading ability and develop good mathematical literacy through after-class activities and homework, this article focuses on the core of mathematical literacy and the value and significance of mathematical reading ability to mathematical learning. However, many primary students have difficulties in learning mathematics because of the lack of mathematical literacy and mathematical reading. Therefore, we must cultivate and improve students' mathematical reading ability in primary school and help students to develop good mathematical literacy in order to pave the way for their lifelong learning.

Keywords:core of mathematical literacy,mathematical reading ability,mathematical learning

目   录 

1 前言 3

2 数学核心素养 3

2.1 数学核心素养的含义 3

2.2 数学核心素养的重要性 4

3 数学阅读能力 4

3.1 数学阅读能力的含义 4

3.2 数学阅读能力的重要性 4

4 小学生数学阅读能力的现状 6

4.1 理解数学用语的能力差 6

4.2 互译数学用语的能力差 6

4.3 构建合适的问题模型的能力差 6

4.4 缺少在阅读时必要的耐心和细心 6

5 提高数学阅读能力的策略 7

5.1 课内提高数学阅读能力的策略 7

5.2 课外提高数学阅读能力的策略 8

结  论 11

参考文献 12

1 前言


同样地,笔者认为,一个具备良好的数学核心素养的学生,必然具备着良好的数学阅读能力,而数学阅读能力又恰恰是一个学生学好数学的前提。因此,只有在小学教育阶段,看重对小学生数学阅读能力的培养,才能让他们发现数学是好玩的,才能让学生独立主动地学习数学,为终生学习数学做铺垫。 小学生数学阅读能力的现状及策略:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_81242.html
