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时间:2021-10-19 20:07来源:毕业论文


In the middle school mathematics teaching process, must attach importance to cultivate students' innovative thinking ability, innovation is the soul of the teaching and learning, also is the core of the implementation of quality education; In the process of mathematics teaching contains rich material of innovation education, mathematics teachers should according to the rule and character of mathematics itself and combining the students' learning, studies earnestly, actively explore and try our best to in the classroom and the pictures the principles, methods of cultivating and training students' innovative thinking。 In mathematics teaching to cultivate the students' innovative thinking, and stimulate innovation ability is a times to our teachers and students together。this paper, to guide students imagination, students are encouraged to seek other thinking, and induce students about mathematical inspiration of middle school mathematics teaching process should be how to cultivate students' innovative thinking ability。


Keyword: mathematics teaching; Innovative thinking;cultivate;questioning mind;improve

目    录

引言 4

第一章 什么是创新性思维 5

第二章 培养学生创新性思维的条件 6

2。1营造快乐的学习氛围 6

2。2 引起学生的好奇心 6

第三章 培养学生创新性思维能力的实例 8

3。1 赌帐与概率 8

3。2 面积公式的联想 9

3。3 等腰三角形的周长 9

3。4 排列组合中的转换 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13



作为一个准教师的我经常在我的教学设计中用到“创新性思维”这五个字,这五个字并不是仅仅对于那些百度样本的照搬照抄,而是通过我的学年论文,毕业论文,拜读了多位教育学家的著作所推崇的一种精神。本人在作为杭州师范大学的学生在进入课堂时,我印象最深的就是叶老师说的:我们教数学的并不是要告诉学生公式是什么,而是要教给他们,让他们知道公式是怎么来的。我们要教给学生的并不是数学知识,而是要交给他们数学学习的方法。“授人鱼不如授人以渔”,我们要教会学生学习方法是很重要的,让学生能从传统的思维习惯中解脱出来,摆脱单向思维的劣势,学会“多向”“逆向”“反向”“综合”“变通”“变异”的思维,培养学生的创新性思维。 创新性思维在中学数学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_83157.html
