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时间:2021-12-31 10:33来源:毕业论文


After new curriculum reform, the creation of classroom teaching situation becomes critical。Situation creation is s more consistent with the age characteristics of primary school students,in addition to knowledge transferring more accepted by students, it will also cause the math curiosity and interest of students,So the creation of the research situation has been a popular topic。But the situation creation is also necessary to obey some certain rules,the successful situation creation has a clear purpose,to life of primary school students。Students will enjoy English learning more actively, making more students understand and grasp。Howere,there are still some problems existing in the teaching process,such as teaching aims is obscure,polarization is serious,focus on form rather than focus on whether the content is practical,some textbooks do not provide a good material for the teaching situation。We should reflect on these questions in the teaching practice, creating the situation follow the principle,to ensure the highest rate of the advantage of the situation。

毕业论文关键词:教学情境; 情境创设; 原则;问题

Keyword: Teaching situation; Situation creation; principle;problem

目    录

1。问题的提出 1

1。1 研究的背景 1

1。2 创设情境的内涵 1

1。3 小学生的认知和学习特点 2

1。4 国外关于数学情境教学的实践研究及启发 2

2。数学课堂问题情境创设的原则 2

2。1 目的性原则 2

2。2 生活性原则 3

2。3 问题性原则 3

2。4 经验性原则 4

2。5 参与性原则 4

2。6 发展性原则 4

2。7 趣味性原则 4

2。8演绎性原则 5

3。数学课堂问题情境创设教学反思 5

3。1 情境创设需要避免两个极端 5

3。2 投身课程改革,切实转变教学观念 6

3。3 情境的创设与情境的展现都不能脱离教学实际 6

3。4 教材应为教师创设情境提供丰富的素材 6


1。1 研究的背景

    早在上个世纪三十年代,国际的教育思想就开始不仅以掌握知识为主,而且也重视智慧和能力的“能力本位”阶段,而到了本世纪80年代以后,国际的教育思想又开始着重关注人的发展,充满人性关爱和人文关怀的“人本位”阶段。这种教育思想立足于人的全面发展,重视对人的素质进行全方位的培养。[1]论文网 小学低段学生数学课堂问题情境的创设:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_87806.html
