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时间:2023-04-29 21:27来源:毕业论文






Abstract As the world's largest sport, football has experienced three stages: popularization, improvement, popularization and improvement。Chinese since ancient times "Cuju", "taju", so for football, countries attach great importance to。 Even so, Chinese football in the international rankings and scores are getting worse。Chinese people's expectations for Chinese football is getting lower and lower, everyone wants to make Chinese football better。 For this, we have to do is not enough, not just to do a good job in the surface, but also should be in-depth understanding and development, and constantly improve the development of Chinese football。

2009 Yiwu campus football officially opened。 Development can be said to be smooth sailing, but in the process of the development of campus football has found a lot of problems。 Through research and Analysis on the development of campus football in Yiwu found the following problems: 1, the campus football popularity is low; 2, professional football is less; 3, the enthusiasm of the students is not high; 4, facilities is completed; 5, the propaganda should be strengthened。源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766

In clarifying many problems at the same time, the firm campus football mode, steady progress, innovation, strengthen the campus football propaganda, cultivating the students' interest in football and hobbies, teacher recruitment expertise guidance etc。。 Then the campus football activities in Yiwu will be further, and constantly create talent for the development of Chinese football。

Analysis of these issues at the same time, the development of campus football in Yiwu put forward constructive suggestions。

key words:Yiwu; campus football; development problem; measures


摘要 4

1、前言 7

2、国内外研究现状 7

2。1 国内研究现状 7

2。2 国外研究现状 8

3、研究内容与问题 9

3。1 研究的基本内容 9

3。2 研究的基本问题 9

4、研究对象与方法 9

4。1 研究对象 义乌市校园足球开展中存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_163019.html
