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时间:2019-09-27 18:49来源:毕业论文

Zhoukou city chuan hui district fitness yoga to carry out the present situation investigation and analysis
Abstract :This article mainly adopts questionnaire investigation, literature material method, interview method, mathematical statistics and logical analysis of zhoukou city chuan hui area fitness yoga to carry out the present situation were investigated. Conclusion shows: 1.Zhoukou city chuan hui district fitness yoga class rich variety, time arrangement is reasonable, but yoga auxiliary supplies configuration does not reach the designated position;2. Member age distribution between two small head of state, larger proportion of civil servants, women accounted for the vast majority of;3. Members practice purpose of yoga, but yoga awareness is not enough; 4.Fitness yoga propaganda in place, the frequency of the members to practice yoga is reasonable, but the class number;5. The more the Yoga instructor in the majority with women, all have the coach certificate, but education level is low, the actual teaching ability still need to improve.
Keywords: Zhoukou city chuan hui area; Fitness; Yoga
目    录

摘 要    1
关键词    1
引言    2
1.研究对象和方法    2
1.1研究对象    2
1.2研究方法    2
2.结果与分析    3
2.1瑜伽在周口市川汇区健身场所的发展现状    3
2.2周口市川汇区健身场所瑜伽会员现状    4
2.3周口市川汇区健身场所瑜伽教练现状    8
3.结论与建议    9
参考文献    11
附录    12
致谢    14
瑜伽起源于古印度,最早的修行者通过日出日落、云卷云舒、观摩飞禽走兽及水中鱼虾等生命活动,观察大自然赋予动、植物的本能及自愈能力,从而结合出种种治病、预防、强健的瑜伽健身术。瑜伽这个词来自梵语词根yuj,意为联合、加入、结合和束缚,即把人的注意力集中起来加以引导、运用和实施,也有结合或交融的意思。它是我们的意志与神的意志的真正结合。 摩诃迪瓦.德赛(MahadevDesai)在《甘地谈薄伽梵歌》(Gita according to Gandhi)一书的序言中曾这样写道:“它(瑜伽)意着将身心灵的所有力量与神结合;它也意着对人类的智力、大脑、情感、意志的规范;它还意着内在宁静,从而使一个人能够均衡地审视生活的所有方面。近年来,世界各地区兴起了“瑜伽热”,作为一项大众喜爱的运动,现已被大多数健身场所接受,并开设瑜伽课程供学员来学习。本课题对周口市川汇区健身场所瑜伽开展现状进行调查分析,旨在发现问题,提出相应的建议,以期为瑜伽项目在周口市川汇区更好更快地发展提供理论依据。
本课题以周口市川汇区健身场所瑜伽开展情况为研究对象。 健身场所瑜伽开展现状调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_40003.html