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时间:2021-09-22 20:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract Basketball referees as a judge on the court, is the specific executors of the rules of the contest。 Basketball is an indispensable important component。 For basketball better conducting, basketball referees require constant training at different levels。 Especially in the professional sports curriculum, the goal of training is relatively single and make sports education professional students to adapt to the independent ability in society。 Lacking of professional knowledge, it is very difficult to provide professional talents specializing in a particular activity。 This article through the analysis of the actual situation of university sports professional basketball referee team training。 Trying to find out the problems and come up with the relevant strategy of basketball teaching。 It will establish a referee system suitable for university students' basketball culture and provide theoretical basis for the reform of college basketball course。 It makes the basketball teaching reform has more far-reaching significance。

Key words:university sports; basketball referee; present cultivation; Training mode

目  录

摘要 2

关键词 2

Abstract 2

Key words 2

一、引言 4

二、文献综述 4

三、高校体育专业学生篮球裁判员培养的意义 5

(一)我国未来篮球运动可持续发展的需要 6

(二)篮球运动自身发展的需要 6


四、研究对象与研究方法 7

(一)研究对象 7

(二)研究方法 7

(三)结果分析 7

    1。高校体育专业篮球裁判员的知识能力现状分析 7

    2。高校体育专业篮球裁判员的临场心理情况分析 8

    3。高校体育专业篮球裁判生参加实践的情况分析 10

    4。高校体育专业篮球裁判生参加实战执裁比赛级别的情况分析 11

五、提高高校体育专业学生篮球裁判能力的对策 11

(一)拟定恰当的教学目标 高校体育专业学生篮球裁判员的培养现状与对策:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_81998.html
