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时间:2021-11-29 20:45来源:毕业论文



    High-speed economic growth accelerated the process of urbanization, urban community construction into the fast-growing channel, combined with the comprehensive construction affluent society's strategic goals and in-depth implementation of the nationwide fitness campaign also contribute to urban community residents leisure sports enthusiasm high, urban community leisure sports development in full swing。 The rise of urban community leisure sports to leisure sports public service development put forward the urgent request, pushing its from a service organization, service mode, service contents, service business funding to physical infrastructure and the related policy system, and so on various aspects, continuous exploration and development in practice。

    This article is pided into four parts, the first part elaborates the research background, methods and significance, and related literature review; The second part of analysis of hangzhou residents participation in leisure sports current situation; The third part analyze the factors restricting residents of hangzhou leisure sports; The fourth part put forward the countermeasures to promote the development of hangzhou leisure sports。

毕业论文关键词: 休闲体育; 杭州市; 体育运动; 社区运动

  Keyword:Leisure sports; Hangzhou;  sports;  Community sports

 目  录

摘要 I

一、绪论 1

(一)选题依据 1

(二)研究方法 1

(三)研究意义 1

(四)文献综述 2

二、杭州市居民参与休闲体育现状 5

(一)余暇时间与休闲方式的选择 5

(二)杭州市居民对休闲体育项目的选择 6

(三)杭州市居民对休闲体育活动场所的选择 6

三、杭州市居民休闲体育制约因素 7

(一)场地设施 7

(二)体育活动知识与技能 7

(三)兴趣爱好 7

四、促进杭州市休闲体育的对策 8

(一)加强社区体育场地设施建设 8

(二)促进居民对休闲体育知识与技能的掌握 8

(三)激发居民参与休闲体育的兴趣 9

(四)建立社会休闲体育机构和组织 9

结语 9

参考文献 杭州市社区休闲体育开展现状与对策:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_85625.html
