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时间:2022-04-18 22:40来源:毕业论文

摘  要:健身产业在近10年发展的速度可谓迅猛,由最初的几年只有一家健身会所,到现在的一年开张几家健身会所,行业规模急剧扩大,健身会所在居民的日常生活中所占的分量越来越重,甚至成为生活中的一部分,然而随着各种健身会所的开张,出现了市场竞争激烈、争夺客户资源、扰乱市场价格等问题,各健身会所的营销手段也是层出不穷,但是根据现实的趋势,互联网营销越来越受各大健身会所的青睐,尤其是手机互移动联网终端更是重中之重。本文从移动互联网发展现状入手,首先从移动互联网的普及程度,移动互联网近年来的发展趋势,以及杭州湾健身会所开发建设移动互联网健身平台后会员使用会所平台的现状分析移动互联网营销的优势,并从会所对移动互联网线上操作中存在的问题挖掘移动互联网营销的制约因素,最后在此基础上提出进一利用移动互联网营销提高会所竞争力的对策。80032


Abstract: the fitness industry has developed rapidly in the past 10 years the pace of development, from the initial few years only a fitness club, now a year opened several fitness clubs, fitness club industry scale is expanding rapidly, which occupies in the daily life of residents in the more heavy weight, and even become a part of life however, with the opening of a variety of fitness clubs, the fierce competition in the market, for customers, disturb the market price, the fitness club's marketing is also according to the realistic trend emerge in an endless stream, however, Internet marketing is more and more favored by all the fitness club, especially mobile phone mobile internet terminal interoperability is important in heavy。 In this paper, the author first from the popularity of mobile Internet, mobile Internet in recent years, the trend of development, and Hangzhou Bay fitness club development and construction of mobile Internet fitness platform members club platform status analysis of mobile internet marketing advantage, and from the club on the problems existing in the mobile Internet online operation mining constraints of mobile internet marketing。 Finally, on the basis of the above proposed in the mobile internet marketing strategies to improve the competitiveness of the club from the present development situation of the mobile Internet。 


Key words: fitness, fitness clubs in Hangzhou Bay, mobile Internet 

目   录

1前言 。 6

2研究背景 。。 6

2。1移动互联网的发展现状 。。 6

2。2移动互联网运动健身服务类APP应用以及运动健身服务类平台的现状。 6 

3研究对象和方法 。 7

3。1 研究对象  7

3。2 研究方法  7

3。2。1文献资料法  7

3。2。2问卷调查法  7

3。2。3 访谈法 8

3。2。4 数理统计法。 8

4。调查结果及分析 8

4。1杭州湾健身会所会员办理健身卡的原因分析 。 8

4。2杭州湾健身会所会员了解杭州湾健身会所的渠道分析  9

4。3杭州湾健身会所销售部门员工工作方法及效果反馈分析 。。 9

4。4杭州湾健身会所移动互联网运动健身服务平台建设分析 。。 10

4。4。1杭州湾健身会所会员使用会所健身服务平台的频率分析 。。 10

4。4。2杭州湾健身会所会员使用会所健身平台关注度最高信息分析  11

4。4。3杭州湾健身会所使用移动互联网健身服务平台前后的营业额数据分析。 11

4。5会所健身服务平台存在的问题分析。 12 移动互联网时代下健身会所营销创新的研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_92854.html
