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时间:2022-05-30 23:43来源:毕业论文

摘 要:高等教育是中等教育之后所实施的各种专门教育,而高校教师作为高等教育的主体部分,是实现素质教育的重要传播者,占据着不可或缺的重要地位。本文以淮阴师范学院为例,通过使用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法对淮阴师范学院高校教师运动参与对校园体育文化建设的影响进行调研,通过研究发现目前淮阴师范学院高校教师运动参与对校园体育文化建设在物质层面和精神层面产生了一定的影响,但影响力度不大。调查显示,学校体育竞赛的校园文化重要性逐渐被人们所认识,教师体育运动参与度有所提高;学校体育场馆设施建设一般,基本可以满足现有教师参与学校体育竞赛的需求,但是高水平场馆较为缺乏;同时,教师参与的校园体育文化活动由于前期和后期的宣传方式还较传统,未能引起学生们的广泛关注,在校园体育文化建设中,没有很好的将教师这一校园的主体教育者融入到体育竞赛中去。在有教师参与的赛事中,学生对于参赛队伍中认识的教师有着极高的热情,但并没有形成别具一格的本校特色与风格。 81166


Abstract: indispensable to occupy the important position。 In huaiyin normal university as an example, by using the methods of documentary, questionnaire investigation of huaiyin teachers college teachers in colleges and universities sports participation to research the influence of the construction of campus sports culture, through the study found that at present in huaiyin teachers college teachers in colleges and universities sports participation of the construction of campus sports culture in the material level and spiritual level had a certain effect, but the impact strength is not big。 According to the survey, the school campus culture importance of sports competition gradually known by people, improve teachers' sports participation; School sports facilities construction general, basic can meet the needs of existing teachers to participate in school sports competitions, but high levels of venue is relatively lack; At the same time, teachers to participate in the activities of the campus sports culture as a result of early and late also more traditional propaganda way, failed to cause the extensive concern of the students, in the construction of campus sports culture, will be a very good without the teacher the educators into the body of the campus sports competition。 With teachers to participate in the competition, the student for the teams taking part in the understanding of teachers with high enthusiasm, but did not form a unique features and style of the university。

Keyword:teachers in universities and colleges,sports participation,campus sports culture, degree of influence,construction

目 录

1 前言 3

2 研究对象与方法 4

2。1 研究对象 4

2。2 研究方法 4

2。2。1 文献资料法 4

2。2。2 问卷调查法 4

2。2。3数理统计法 5

2。2。4 逻辑推理法 5

3 研究结果与分析 5

3。1 淮阴师范学院教师体育竞赛的类型、比赛频率 5

3。1。1 淮阴师范学院教师体育竞赛的类型 5

3。1。2 淮阴师范学院体育竞赛的比赛频率 5

3。2 教师关注的本校体育项目与参与的频率 师范学院教师体育参与研究与影响:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_94642.html
