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时间:2022-09-27 23:15来源:毕业论文



    Investigation on the current situation in extracurricular physical exercise huai bin county junior high school boys

Abstract: Extracurricular physical exercise is about middle school students' health and the formation of good personality, for middle school students' physical and mental health growth plays an important role and significance。 To understand huai bin county junior high school boys after school physical training present situation, such as the huai bin county junior high school boys to participate in extracurricular physical exercise situation carried on the thorough analysis and research。 Results show that the shortages of the common facilities, sports equipment shortages; No good sports teacher exercise guidelines; School leaders and parents do not take the student extracurricular exercise, lead to physical activity pattern is too single, huai bin county junior high school boy insufficient understanding of extracurricular physical exercise; Huai bin county junior high school boys to participate in extracurricular physical training purpose is not strong; Huai bin county junior high school extracurricular physical exercise is a lack of effective organization。

Key words: huai bin county; Junior high school。 The boy; Sports; 

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1。研究对象与方法 2

1。1研究对象 2

1。2 研究方法 2

2。研究结果与分析 3

2。1 淮滨县初级中学体育教师的现状

2。2 淮滨县初级中学体育锻炼场地器材状况 4

2。3 淮滨县初级中学男生课余体育锻炼现状 4

2。3 影响在淮滨县初级中学男生参与课余体育锻炼的因素 7

3。结论与建议 8

3。1 结论 8

3。2 建议 9

参考文献 10

附件 12

致谢 16



课余体育锻炼能给学生的学习生活带来乐趣,同时可以增强学生们之间的相处。丰富的课余体育锻炼对于中学生是非常重要的。顾美荣在全国中学生参加课外体育活动现状的研究中提出:课外形式要尽量多样化,充分保证学生的课外活动得到开展,确保每个学生每天锻炼1小时。周君华在农村中学体育现状分析研究中提出:完善学校的体育设施,满足学生的体育锻炼需求需要学校领导有效的组织。综上所述,有关初级中学参与体育活动现状调查研究的文献众多,大多反映初级中学学生需要发展课外活动调查方面。关于淮滨县初级中学男生参与体育活动的调查基本没有。因此,本文主要采用问卷调查方法了解我校男生参与课余体育锻炼情况,得出:学校对课外锻炼重视情况以及淮滨县初级中学的校园文化,公共事业建设情况等,探索和研究推动淮滨县初级中学男生参与课余体育锻炼路径和方法,以期能为淮滨县初级中学课余体育锻炼的广泛开展提供有益参考。 淮滨县初级中学男生课余体育锻炼现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_99865.html
