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时间:2018-04-23 22:50来源:毕业论文

关键词  鬼成像   光场重建   图像畸变  校正  噪声  去噪   MATLAB   
Title   Reconstruction method of the associated light field
          based on the characteristics of imaging system                                               
Ghost imaging is one of the most popular topics in the field of quantum optics recently. Due to the presence of the distortion and image noise in the ghost imaging experiment environment, allows to the presence of distortions in the detected light field, the relevance of dual optical field being affected, the images can’t be rebuilt. This paper mainly studies the image distortion correction and noise removal problems. Firstly, the imaging principle and system features of the ghost imaging (also known as the associated imaging) will be introduced, then, definitions of geometric distortion and noise, and also the correction and processing methods will be presented. As the simulation results show, geometric distortion in reference path have an impact on the result of the associated imaging, correction algorithm used in this paper has achieved better results. Gaussian noise and impulse noise can be removed by the noise algorithm we designed. Overall, we solve geometric image distortion and noise problems, achieving the expected goals.
Keywords   ghost imaging   light field reconstruction 
image distortion   correction  
noise        de-noise       MATLAB
目  次
1    绪论    1
1.1    引言    1
1.2    本课题研究意义    1
1.3    本课题研究背景及现状    1
1.4    本文内容安排和研究内容    3
2    关联成像工作原理及特点    4
2.1  引言    4
2.2  关联成像系统及工作原理    5
2.3  关联成像的特点    6
2.4  关联成像系统的特征    7
3    关联光场的重建研究    9
3.1  关联成像中几何畸变研究    9
3.1.1  图像几何畸变概念    9
3.1.2 关联成像中几何畸变的校正    9
3.2关联成像中的噪声研究    15
3.2.1 图像处理中常见的噪声模型    15
3.2.2  图像去噪算法的研究    18
3.2.3 仿真结果及分析    22
结论    26
致谢    27 MATLAB基于系统成像特征的关联光场重建方法:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_14018.html