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时间:2018-07-08 16:05来源:毕业论文

Title  Design and implementation of image mosaic algorithm
In order to break the limitations of the angle in photography collection for large target scene, people developed image mosaic technology. As an important research direction of digital image processing technology. The applications in the mosaic panorama, video retrieval compression, medical image processing, application of virtual reality technology practice, super-resolution reconstruction and many other fields are all showing its extensive research prospects and development potential. The main task is to use more than one picture with certain overlap part to form a large, high resolution and seamless complete picture.
This paper firstly introduced the purpose, the background, the applications and the current situations of image mosaic technology. The main study is about the basic processes and key technologies of image mosaic, such as image matching algorithm, image pre-processing, image stitching algorithm and image processing method. Finally, I do some simulations of the visible image stitching algorithm based on SIFT algorithm and Harris corner matching under the environment of MATLAB language, and have a comparison and analysis of image stitching algorithm based on feature points and image stitching algorithm based on Fourier-Mellin transform to determine the suitable image stitching algorithm for visible images.
Keywords:  image mosaic, Harris algorithm, SIFT algorithm, Fourier-Mellin transform, image registration
1  绪论    1
1.1  图像拼接技术研究目的及背景    1
1.2  图像拼接技术的国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1  国外研究现状    2
1.2.2  国内研究现状    2
1.3  图像拼接的的基本流程    3
1.4  图像拼接的算法分类    3
1.5  本文主要的研究工作内容    4
2  图像采集和预处理    5
2.1  图像采集    5
2.2  图像预处理    5
3  图像配准    7
3.1  图像变换模型    7
3.2  图像配准步骤    9
3.3  特征提取    9
3.3.1  基于Harris角点的特征提取    9
3.3.2  基于SIFT(尺度不变特征转换)的特征提取    10
3.3.3  基于傅里叶梅林变换的特征提取    15
3.4  RANSAC算法    16
4  图像的合成与拼接    18
4.1  图像的几何变换    18
4.2  图像插值    18 MATLAB图像拼接算法的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19210.html