关键词 北斗卫星导航系统 GPS Systemview 信号仿真
Title BDS signal simulation based on Systemview
As GPS application develops rapidly, human have realized that GNSS technology has great importance to our life. GNSS can be used for all-weather, high-precision and real time navigation and positioning. In addition, GNSS has been playing key role in geodetic surveying, emergency and disaster releasing, engineering measurement and so on.
Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is designed and developed only by china. It is the 3rd GNSS in the world after GPS and GLONASS. BDS offers two type service which are open service and authorization service. Now, BDS service has covered the Asia-Pacific region, and it is being developed for covering global service.
SystemView is a comprehensive dynamic systems analysis environment for the design and simulation of engineering or scientific systems. From analog or digital signal processing, filter design, control systems, and
communication systems to general mathematical systems modeling, SystemView provides a sophisticated analysis engine.
Keywords GPS GNSS BDS Systemview Signal simulation
目 次
1 绪论 4
1.1 引言 4
1.3 课题研究背景与实际意义 5
1.4 论文研究目标与研究内容 6
1.5 论文框架 6
2 北斗卫星导航系统组成及其信号分析 7
2.1 北斗卫星导航系统组成 7
2.1.1 系统组成 7
2.1.2 坐标系统 7
2.1.3 时间系统 8
2.2 北斗卫星信号分析 8
2.2.1 信号结构 8
2.2.2 测距码CB1I码 9
2.2.3 导航电文 11
2.2.3 调制方式 11
2.3 本章小结 12
3 基于systemview的北斗二代卫星信号仿真与实现 13
3.1 Systemview软件简介 13
3.2 单星信号发射端仿真 13
3.2.1测距码参数设置 13
3.2.2数据码参数设置 15
3.2.3 单星信号仿真结果 15
3.3 单星信号接收端仿真 19
3.4 对单星信号仿真结果的讨论与分析 23
3.4.1 对噪声的分析 23
3.4.2 对信号延时的分析 25
3.5 对多星信号仿真 26
3.5.1 多星信号发射仿真 26
3.5.2 多星信号接收仿真 28 基于Systemview的北斗卫星信号仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19833.html