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时间:2024-07-27 10:53来源:96007






Abstract:With the development of computer technology and network technology, the function and function of traditional measuring instruments have undergone significant changes, and new virtual instruments have been produced. In essence, the virtual instrument is the use of high-performance modular hardware, combined with efficient and flexible software to complete a variety of test, measurement and automation applications. LabVIEW as an industry standard graphical programming tool, has been widely used in automation, automotive, communications, and other fields. It emphasizes  the concept  of "software is the instrument". Users can define their own functions according to their needs, as well as the development of test, measurement, control, data acquisition and so on. Compared to traditional instruments more convenient, more comprehensive, high user participation.

This paper is based on the understanding of the development history of the virtual instrument, the development trend and the research status at home and abroad, understand the work of the traditional signal generator, based on the comparison of the traditional instrument of the principles and characteristics of the virtual signal generator to illustrate the functional superiority and virtual The advantages of the signal generator.

The design of the virtual signal generator design based on LabVIEW is based on LabVIEW software and NI ELVIS experimental suite through NI's software development platform to achieve. This design is based on NI's LabVIEW software and the NI ELVIS lab suite to produce and output multiple types of common signals and custom function signal waveforms (including analog and pulse signals) as required and to have signal selection as required , Amplitude adjustment, frequency adjustment, noise adjustment and other functions.

Simulation and experimental results show that the system can generate the basic waveform, the formula waveform and the PWM wave waveform, and verify the correctness and feasibility of the designed system. Compared with the traditional signal generator, the virtual signal generator more advantages, it can save space, cost savings, system operability and system functionality is more superior. Virtual instrument signal generator is easy to operate, human-computer interaction is strong, and the user can modify the function according to the task requirements. 基于LabVIEW的虚拟信号发生器设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204396.html
