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时间:2024-08-13 21:52来源:96404




Abstract:With the development of optical integration research field, especially in recent years, micro-nano integration process has made a  breakthrough,  micr o-ring resonator gradually attracted the attention  of  researchers  around  the  w orld and attention. Micro-ring resonator has many advantages: wavelength se lectivity is better, more  features,  small  size,  etc.,  has  been  widely  used  in  t he field of communications. In this paper, we first introduce the research ba ckground of  micro-ring  resonator,  the  development  status  at  home  and  abroa d and the application of micro-ring. Next,  we  introduce  the  wavelength  pi sion  multiplexing  technology;  mainly introduce  the  structure  and  parameters of single-ring resonant wave pision multiplexer. In this  paper,  the transfer matrix  method  and  time  domain  finite  difference  method  are  also  described in detail.

On the basis of  this,  the  microchannel  array  is  designed  according  to  t he transmission matrix method, and  the  model  of  single  ring  resonator,  para llel double ring,  series  double  ring  resonator  and  parallel  tricyclic  and  tande m ring resonator is designed. The  influence  of  the  structural  parameters  of each resonator  on  the  output  spectral  characteristics  was  analyzed  by  means of maple and  OptiFDTD  simulation  software. The  results  show  that  the  mi cro - ring radius becomes smaller and the bending loss of the micro  -  ring becomes larger and the loss increases and the peak value of the resonant wavelength decreases. The  radius  of  the  micro-ring  increases,  the  free  spectr al range becomes smaller; the waveguide spacing increases and the amplitud e-coupling ratio decreases.  However,  compared  with  the  micro-ring  radius,  t he waveguide thickness  has  little  effect  on  the  performance  of  the  micro-rin g.

Key words: micro-ring resonator,transfer matrix,Micro-ring array


第一章绪论 1

1.1微环谐振器研究背景 1

1.2微环谐振器的研究目的 传输矩阵微环谐振器WDM系统的模拟OptiFDTD仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204502.html
