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时间:2024-08-13 22:38来源:96408




Abstract:With the rapid development and popularization of computer software and hardware technology, mankind has entered a period of rapid development of information technology , in scientific research, technology applications, image processing technology-based image processing system has gradually entered Everyone's sight. But the image but now the development of digital image processing technology is still inadequate, there is a lot of room for improvement can be developed.

This paper designs an image processing system, uses QT to realize the overall framework of the program, the design of the interface, and on this basis, using the interpolation algorithm to achieve the image rotation function, the use of bilinear interpolation to achieve the image zoom function, the use of the median The  image filtering function is realized by using the weighted average method. The image enhancement function is realized by the exponential enhancement algorithm. The image binarization function is realized by using the local threshold method. The Canny operator algorithm is used to realize the edge Detection function.

Keywords: Image filtering; Image enhancement; Binarization; Grayscale; Edge detection


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2图像处理国内外研究现状 2

1.3本文的结构及主要内容 3

第二章图像处理的基本原理 4

2.1图像的数字化 4

2.2用计算机处理图像 5

2.2.1图像的矩阵表示 5

2.2.2二维数组和图像的关系 6

2.2.3对二维数组处理的基本程序框架 7

2.3直方图 7

2.4图像处理分类 8

2.4.1局部处理和全局处理 9

2.4.2迭代处理 9

2.4.3跟踪处理 10

2.5图像处理的应用 10

第三章基于QT的图像处理系统设计 12

3.1QT简介 12

3.2基于QT的图像处理系统设计 13

3.3图像处理系统界面设计 14

3.4图像的几何变换 18

3.4.1图像旋转 19

3.4.2图像缩放 20

3.5图像滤波 基于QT的图像处理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204511.html
