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时间:2024-08-18 09:13来源:96581




Abstract:The microstrip antenna is typically composed of various types of metal patches etched on the surface of the dielectric substrate, the thickness of the dielectric substrate is thin, and the other side is grounded. Thick substrates and low dielectric constant substrates can achieve higher efficiency and greater bandwidth, while also increasing the size of the antenna.

 In this paper, the development of microstrip antenna and the principle of microstrip slot antenna and the principle of HFSS simulation software are introduced. We study the effects of microstrip slot antenna with the change of the shape of the slot antenna performance. The model of microstrip slot antenna is established by using HFSS simulation software. This paper designed two microstrip slot antenna, a cross-type microstrip slot antenna gradient to the square microstrip slot antenna, and the other is the circular microstrip slot antenna gradient to the circular microstrip slot antenna. Based on the different shape of the structure, we carry out a simulation and detailed analysis to get the performance of the designed antenna.

Keywords: Microstrip antenna; Microstrip slot antenna; HFSS


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3主要研究内容 4

第二章微带天线及微带缝隙天线 5

2.1微带天线 5

2.1.1微带天线的概述 5

2.1.2微带天线的特点 5

2.1.3微带天线馈电方法 6

2.1.4微带天线的分析方法 7

2.1.5微带天线的应用 7

2.2微带缝隙天线 8

2.2.1微带缝隙天线的原理 8

2.2.2微带缝隙天线的应用 9

2.2.3微带缝隙天线的主要参数 9

第三章HFSS仿真软件的介绍 12

3.1HFSS的概述 12

3.2HFSS的应用 12

3.3HFSS的使用方法 13

3.3.1基本设置 14

3.3.2画图 14

3.3.3仿真设置 15

3.3.4生成报告 15

第四章天线的设计与仿真 17

4.1十字形微带天线 17

4.1.1天线参数设置 HFSS形状渐变方法的槽缝加载微带天线设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204550.html
