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时间:2024-08-18 09:27来源:96583
自回归模型谱估计方法设计。对现代谱估计 的参数模型谱估计的内容之一自回归模型谱估计方法进行分析,并在Matlab软件上 进行相应的仿真。



Abstract:Power spectrum estimation is one of the important research contents of digital signal processing and analysis.The power spectrum estimation is widely used in the analysis of the frequency components of stationary random signals, and has been successfully applied to practical engineering such as radar signal processing and fault diagnosis.In general, the power spectrum estimation method can be pided into classical power spectrum estimation method and modern power spectrum estimation method.The variance performance of the classical power spectrum estimation method is poor and the resolution is low. The main reason is that the calculation of the mean and the limit of the power spectral density in the original definition does not accord with the actual resolution.Modern power spectrum estimation is based on the parameter model, the content is more abundant, involving a wide range of disciplines and applications, because it solves the problem of classical spectrum estimation and is widely used.The ARMA model, the AR model and the MA model, which are commonly used in modern spectral estimation, are also known as autoregressive models, which are more representative and representative.In this paper, the power spectrum estimation design uses the autoregressive model to understand and analyze the Levinson-Durbin extraction parameter algorithm. The algorithm is written by MATLAB to realize the simulation of the autoregressive model spectrum estimation on the computer.

Keywords: Power spectrum estimation; AR model; algorithm; Matlab

第一章绪论 1

1.1发展历程 1

1.2研究的现状和意义 1

1.3主要研究内容 2

1.4论文的主体内容 2

第二章自回归模型功率谱估计 3

2.1平稳随机信号的参数模型 3

2.2自回归模型的正则方程 5

2.3自回归模型和线性预测的关系 6

2.4Levinson-Durbin算法 8

2.5本章小结 10

第三章自回归模型阶次的选择和性质 11

3.1自回归模型阶次的选择 11

3.2自回归模型谱的分辨率 13

3.3自回归模型的稳定性 16

3.4自回归模型谱的匹配性质 自回归模型谱估计方法设计+Matlab源代码:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204556.html
