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时间:2019-02-21 17:03来源:毕业论文
研究了MP-TWRN的空间信道配对(Spatial channel pairing, ),给出了三种SCP的方法:最大化和速率(Maximizing sum-rate SCP, Max-SR-SCP)随机信道配对(Random SCP)和最小和速率空间信道配对

摘要与单向中继和单用户对(Single-pair,SP)双向中继(Two-way relay networks, TWRN)相比(SP-TWRN),多用户对双向中继(Multi-pair TWRN,MP-TWRN)可以实现更高的频谱效率。本文针对消除多用户对间干扰和提升系统的和速率这两方面问题,分别研究了MP-TWRN的波束成形算法和空间信道配对问题。33459
首先针对采用放大转发( , )策略的MP-TWRN,分别研究了五种波束成形算法:迫零(Zero-forcing,ZF)加迫零(ZF plus ZF)、块对角化(Block diagonalization,BD)加块对角化(BD plus BD)、奇异值分解(Singular value decomposition,SVD)加奇异值分解(SVD plus SVD)、匹配滤波(Matched filter,MF)加匹配滤波(MF plus MF)与最大信干噪比加最大信泄噪比(Maximizing signal to interference and noise rate plus maximizing signal to leakage and noise rate,Max-SINR plus Max-SLNR)。仿真结果表明:MF plus MF当信噪比较小和大规模时性能较优;SVD plus SVD能实现最优的和速率,但是需要用户间充分协作;  plus  无需用户间协作,能实现仅次于SVD plus SVD的和速率。
然后研究了MP-TWRN的空间信道配对(Spatial channel pairing,  ),给出了三种SCP的方法:最大化和速率(Maximizing sum-rate SCP, Max-SR-SCP)随机信道配对(Random SCP)和最小和速率空间信道配对(Minimizing sum-rate SCP, Min-SR-SCP)。最后仿真表明:当中继站采用BD plus BD波束成形算法时,同Random  和 相比, 方法能有效挖掘空间配对增益。
Title  Key technologies and their analysis of asymptotic performance 
in two-way relay wireless networks                       
Compared with one-way relaying and single-pair (SP) two-way relaying networks (SP-TWRN), multi-pair (MP) two-way relaying networks (MP-TWRN) can achieve higher spectral efficiency. To eliminate the inter-pair interference and improve the sum-rate, this paper investigates beamforming algorithm and space channel pairing respectively.
First of all, for AF based MP-TWRN, five beamforming schemes are studied and compared including Zero-forcing plus zero-forcing (ZF plus ZF), Block diagonalization plus block diagonalization (BD plus BD), Matched filter plus matched filter (MF plus MF), Singular value decomposition plus singular value decomposition (SVD plus SVD) and Maximizing signal to interference and noise rate plus maximizing signal to leakage and noise rate (Max-SINR plus Max-SLNR). MF plus MF has better performance in the conditions of low SNR and massive-MIMO. SVD plus SVD can achieve the excellent performance of sum-rate with the full cooperation among users. Max-SINR plus Max-SLNR can achieve large sum-rate only lower than SVD plus SVD without any cooperation among users, 
Then we have investigated spatial channel pairing (SCP) of MP-TWRN. Three SCP schemes including Maximizing sum-rate SCP (Max-SR-SCP),Random SCP and Minimizing sum-rate SCP (Min-SR-SCP) are developed.. Simulation results illustrate that for BD plus BD algorithm,Max-SR-SCP can achieve substantial sum-rate gains over Random SCP and Min-SR-SCP.
Keywords  MP-TWRN, Sum-rate,Beamforming,SCP
目   次
1 绪论    2
1.1 研究背景    2
1.2 国内外研究现状    4
1.3 论文结构    5
2 中继协作系统基本原理    6
2.1 中继系统的发展    7
2.2 中继处理策略    9
2.3 本章小结    11
3 基于AF的MP-TWRN波束成形    12
3.1 引言    12
3.2 系统模型    12
3.3 波束成形算法    15 双向中继无线网络关键技术与渐进性能仿真分析:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_30580.html