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时间:2019-05-24 21:23来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:    道路边缘;图像处理;边缘探测;边缘提取;边缘分割
Techniques Based on Image Segmentation Road
Abstract:     The main content of this paper is image based road edge segmentation technology. First will shoot themselves road images are image processing, then the more practical and classical edge detection algorithm of image edge extraction. In order to improve the practicability and anti-interference ability of the road edge segmentation, a road edge segmentation algorithm is proposed in this paper. This algorithm uses the road marking as the basis of segmentation. Based on road image segmentation technology implementation of road and terrain surface recognition has very important role, on the future of tourism information distribution, geological resources detection and protection of land resources, such as, with very urgent realistic needs and applications. Firstly on existing edges of the image segmentation method was studied, Sobel operator, pull Blas operator, Roberts operator, and Prewitt edge detection template operator is analyzed respectively, and then put forward a more practical algorithm to achieve the road image segmentation.
Keywords:    The edge of the road; Image processing; Edge detection; Edge extraction; Edge segmentation
1    绪论    1
1.1    研究背景    1
1.2    研究现状    2
1.2.1    道路特征自动提取的方法    2
1.2.2    计算机辨别道路的方法    4
2    道路图像预处理及图像分割技术    6
2.1    引言    6
2.2    道路图像预处理    6
2.2.1    道路图像特征    6
2.2.2    图像灰度化    7
2.3    图像边缘检测    9
2.3.1    Robert算子    9
2.3.2    Sobel算子    9
2.3.3    Prewitt    10
2.3.4    Laplace算子    11
2.4    图像二值化    11
2.5    直方图均衡化    12
3    图像融合技术介绍    14
3.1    图像融合原理与条件    14
1.2.3    图像融合原理    14
1.2.4    图像融合条件    15
3.2    图像融合算法的层次分类    16
3.2.1    图像融合系统的算法的层次    16
3.3    图像融合规则    16
3.4    图像融合方法    17
3.4.1    HIS 融合法    17 基于图像的道路分割技术算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_33708.html