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时间:2021-06-17 19:29来源:毕业论文

摘要毫米波不仅具有微波的电子学与物理学的特点,而且频率相对较高,所以容易实现窄波束(即定向性能比其他波段要好)和高增益的天线。本文旨在研究毫米波平面阵列天线设计与优化,在了解并掌握天线的基本概念与平面阵列的设计要求与理论基础上设计一种圆形平面阵列天线,通过普通单一阵元的特性进一步延伸到有许多阵元组成的线阵列天线以及平面阵列天线,从而实现课题的研究。本课题主要做以下工作:(1) 分析单个阵元的辐射特性及天线参数(2)进而分析由多个阵元组成的线阵列天线的辐射特性(3)由前面的工作设计圆形平面阵列天线,并通过仿真得到方向图等数据。68505

毕业论文关键词    毫米波  天线阵列  平面天线    阵元


Title     The Optimal Design of the Two-Dimensional Planar Array  Antenna



Millimeter wave not only has the characteristics of electronics and physics, but also the relatively high frequency.So it is easy to achieve narrow beam which is better than other bands in directional performance and a higher gain.The purpose of this paper is to study the design and optimization of the millimeter wave planar array antenna on the basis of the understanding of the basic concept of the antenna and requirements of the planar array design.By the 

peculiarities of a single array element extended to line array antenna and the planar array antenna which consists of many array elements,

so as to realize the research of subject.This subject mainly includes the following work:(1)Analysis the radiation characteristics and 

antenna parameters of the single array element.(2)Analysis the line array antenna radiation characteristics。(3)Design the circular 

planar array antenna by the previous work and acquire the the antenna parameters through simulation such as directional diagram.

Keywords    Millimeter wave   Antenna array   Planar array     array element

                      目  次

1  绪论 5

1.1课题的背景和意义 5

1.2 课题的研究现状 6

2 天线和阵列天线 8

2.1 阵列天线的理论基础 8

2.1.1 电磁波的干涉与叠加 8

2.1.2 方向图乘积定理 10

2.2 天线的基本参数 12

3 常见的阵列天线形式 14

3.1 二元阵 14

3.1.1 半波长间距等幅同相二元阵 15

3.1.2  整波长间距等幅同相二元阵 17

3.1.3  半波长间距等幅反相二元阵 17

3.1.4  四分之一波长间距等幅相差 二元阵 17

3.1.5  半波长间距不等幅同相二元阵 18

3.2  直线阵列及其分析 18

3.2.1  线阵通用方向函数及极坐标表示 18

3.2.2  均匀线阵 18

    4 微带天线的设计 21 HFSS两维平面阵列天线的优化设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_77059.html
