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时间:2021-06-18 23:10来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  瞬时测频  数字测频  matlab


Title Simulation and Research on Digital

 frequency measurement algorithm  


The present era, electronic warfare led war radar plays an irreplaceable role, and instantaneous frequency measurement is critical radar. Instantaneous frequency measurement using simulation methods can also be used digitally. However, the development of computer languages and digital integrated circuits makes the frequency measurement algorithm into the mainstream. This article is about the unfolding digital frequency measurement algorithm, describes various principles currently more mainstream digital frequency measurement algorithms, numerical methods, frequency measurement method to compare various algorithms, and then summarize the advantages of various digital algorithms, disadvantages and For occasions. In the second half of this article, select one of the two algorithms (Short-time Fourier and phase estimation method) using matlab simulation analysis and simulation.

Keywords  Instantaneous Frequency Measurement  Digital Frequency measurement   matlab

目   次

1. 绪论 1

1.1 概述 1

1.2 本论文的研究背景 1

1.3 Matlab介绍 2

1.4 本文章节安排 3

2.各类经典数字测频算法 4

2.1 直接计数法 4

2.2 相位推算法 5

2.3 频率推算法 8

2.4傅里叶变换法 10

2.5 数字鉴相法 12

2.6 波形推算法 12

2.7 章节小结 14

3.各类典型数字测频算法 15

3.1快速傅里叶变换法FFT 15

3.2短时傅里叶算法STFT 16

3.3 WVD算法 16

3.4 本章总结 18

4.算法编程仿真模拟 19

4.1 相位推算法程序框图及其仿真结果: 19

4.2 短时傅里叶变换的仿真结果 24

结论 27

致谢 28

参考文献 29

附录 30

1. 绪论

1.1 概述

我们生活在飞速发展的科技时代,信息社会是主题,而无处不在的信号又是信息的载体。对于一个信号,我们有各式各样的方法来描述它,而利用频率来鉴别信号就是一种方法。鉴别信号频率可以用模拟方法,同时也可以用数字方法。本文主要研究利用数字算法的方法来进行测频。主要工作为介绍及比较各类测频方法的优缺点,以及利用matlab对选取的其中某些方法进行仿真。 matlab数字测频算法的仿真和研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_77198.html
