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时间:2022-04-05 21:17来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  三维测量  DXF文件  VC++  路径规划


Title    Technical study on automatic 3D coordinate measuring instrument measuring path planning       

Abstract In the field of modern industrial measurement, 3D coordinate measurement is used more widely。 Three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine is mainly used for the measurement of high-precision geometric components and complex shapes of mechanical parts。 3D coordinate measurement is an important subject of the present study。 The project aims to establish an automated three-dimensional coordinate measuring system。 Using VC++ to write a program to open the drawings (drawings in the form of DXF), so as to read the drawings of the three-dimensional coordinates information of points in the drawings, then pass through the serial port to controller。 After receiving an instruction from the PC ,controller will resolve, and order  the motor to move through sending commands。 And the probe will be directed to move through path planning, so as to measure the 3D coordinates of the points of the work piece。 In this paper, we will focus on the format of the DXF file and how to read the DXF format drawings by writing software, so as to extract the three-dimensional coordinates。 Then   design appropriate measurement path, realize path planning。 This paper will focus on software design for path planning。

Keywords  Three-dimensional measurement  DXF  VC++  path planning

第1章 引言 1

1。1  研究背景和意义 1

1。2 本文研究内容 1

第2章 三维坐标测量仪 3

2。1 三维坐标测量简介 3

2。2 三种三维坐标测量仪 3

2。3 本项目设计的三维坐标测量仪 7

第3章 路径规划 8

3。1研究背景 8

3。2 路径规划简介 8

3。3 路径规划的方法与原理 8

3。4 本项目路径规划的实现 9

第 4章 DXF文件 11

4。1 DXF文件的结构 11

4。2几何实体信息的提取 12

第 5章 路径规划软件设计及实现 13

5。1 程序设计方案 13

5。2 程序界面设计 15

5。3 程序设计过程及结果 16

结  论 自动三维坐标测量仪测量路径规划技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_92047.html
