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时间:2022-04-11 21:05来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词  混沌信号  FM-DCSK  Matlab\Simulink  多址 FPGA

Title   The  FPGA  Implementation of  Chaotic Signals based on FM-DCSK             

Abstract   FM-DCSK chaotic communication system is a asynchronous system based on the transmitting reference principle。 The demodulator is a correlator。 Without recovering the original signal, we just need comparing the two parts of one bit。 It is not sensitive to channel distortions or multi-path  because both the reference and the information-bearing part of the FM-DCSK signal pass through the same channel。

FM-DCSK system have a simple structure, composed with FM modulator, the signal is power-stable。It offers a simple solution for wide-band communications applications such as Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)。 Nowadays, this communication system is reachable, However, the methods of multi-path is lack。

This project point on the way to multi-path based on the systematic principle of FM-DCSK。

In the first part, many common types of chaotic signal are discussed, especially the basal Logistic-signal。 

Secondly, we analysis and simulate the characteristics of the FM-DCSK chaotic system , and give the way to realize it by FPGA。 

Thirdly, the project aim at the way to multiple-address based on frequence and wave。 With Simulink, we test the effect of cross-correlation, different bits and PN weighting among signals。Compare the BER with other ways ,the method put forward is more excellent 。 

Keywords: chaotic signals   FM-DCSK   Matlab\Simulink   multiple access  FPGA

目   次

1  引言(或绪论) 1

1。1  混沌通信特点及前景 1

1。2  国内外研究状况 1

1。3  本文主要的研究问题及成果 2

2  常见的混沌信号 4

2。1  Matlab分析Logistic信号的特点 4

2。1。1  映射关系 4

2。1。2  频谱分析 5

2。1。3  自相关特点 6

2。2  Logistic信号的实现 6

2。2。1  Logistic信号离散数字实现 6

2。2。2  Logistic信号Simulink实现 FDM-DPSK的混沌通信信号FPGA程序实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_92397.html
