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时间:2022-06-08 22:35来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:侧向散射 光强 液滴半径 几何近似


Title    Research on measurements of tiny droplet radius based on the lateral scattering effect of light           

Abstract In the fields of industrial production, national defense and air pollution, accurate measurement of particle size has a great importance, which has a significant economic and social benefits to improve product quality, reduce energy consumption and control of environmental pollution。On the basis of Mie scattering theory in this paper,we derived the relationship between tiny droplet radius and the lateral scattering intensity under the Whole geometric approximation method, (WGAM)。Because of equipment limitations,glass beads instead of tiny drops were used for measurements in the experiential study。The lateral scattering intensities were measured under different droplet diameters from different lateral scattering angles。 The experimental data were analyzed and the results showed that the quadratic function relationship between the droplet radius and the lateral scattering light intensity was obvious, and the fitting coefficient was more than 0。99。The results lay a foundation for further study of measuring the droplet radius by utilizing the lateral scattering effect of light。

Keywords:lateral scattering; light intensity; droplet radius; geometric approximation

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  研究背景及意义 1

1。2  粒径测量技术的发展现状 1

1。3  本文的主要内容 4

2  理论基础 5

2。1  光的散射 5

2。2  米氏理论及其近似 5

2。3  基于米氏理论的光散射法 6

2。4  全几何光学近似 7

3  实验 13

3。1  理想实验设计 13

3。2  实验近似说明 13

3。3  实际实验设计 15

4  实验数据处理 20

4。1  实验数据与曲线拟合 20

4。2  实验数据仿真 22

4。3  实验数据分析 24

5  误差分析 26

结  论 27

致  谢 28

参 考 文 献 29 基于光的侧向散射效应测量微小液滴半径的方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_95132.html
