    摘要本课题采用大学自发研制的NW-400-B熔敷自动焊电源在35CrMnSiA钢基体上感应熔敷焊接H96黄铜,焊后35CrMnSiA钢的组织为粗大的马氏体和粒状贝氏体。经采用890℃淬火+500℃回火后的组织为回火索氏体,硬度为40-44HRC;890℃淬火+340℃回火处理后组织为回火马氏体和粒状贝氏体,硬度为42-46HRC。采用900℃正火+890℃淬火+500℃回火处理后组织为回火索氏体,硬度为40-42HRC;900℃正火+890℃淬火+340℃回火处理后组织为回火马氏体和粒状贝氏体,硬度为45-50HRC。金相观察表明,900℃正火+调质与只进行调质处理的硬度变化不大,但前者可获得更细小的晶粒,应采用900℃正火+调质工艺。关键词  35CrMnSiA  感应熔覆焊  焊后热处理   调质处理7378
    Title  The structures and properties of steel 35CrMnSiA by
    heat treatment after induction welding   Abstract
    The subject of the use of Nanjing University of Science and Technology spontaneous development of NW-400-B welding automatic welding on 35CrMnSiA steel substrate induction cladding welding of H96brass, welded 35CrMnSiA steel organization was coarse martensite and granular bainite. By the use of 890℃+500℃ quenching tempering microstructure is tempered sorbite, hardness is 40-44HRC;890 ℃+340℃ tempering quenched tempered martensite and granular bainite, hardness is 42-46HRC. By 900℃ normalizing quenched at +890 ℃+500℃ tempering organizations tempered sorbite, hardness is 40-42HRC;900℃ normalizing quenched at +890℃+340℃tempering of tempered martensite and granular bainite, hardness is 45-50HRC. Metallographic observation shows that,900℃ normalizing + tempering and quenching and tempering hardness only little change, however the former can obtain fine grain, should adopt 900℃ normalizing + tempering process.
    Keywords       35CrMnSiA                 induction welding                                   
    heat treatment            quenching and tempering
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景    1
    1.2  35CrMnSi的热处理    3
    1.3  本课题的任务及研究方法    5
    2  35CrMnSiA钢的感应熔敷黄铜试验    6
    2.1  试验设备    6
    2.2  焊接辅助材料    7
    2.3  感应熔敷焊试验    8
    3  焊后热处理试验设备和热处理工艺    9
    3.1  焊后热处理试验设备    9
    3.2  焊后热处理工艺制定及试验    9
    3.2.1  正火    9
    3.2.2  淬火    10
    3.2.3  回火    10
    4  金相观察、分析    13
    4.1  金相试样的制备    13
    4.2  金相试样的观察与分析    13
    4.2.1  焊后未经热处理的金相组织    13
    4.2.2  890℃淬火的金相组织    14
    4.2.3  890℃淬火+340℃回火的金相组织    14
    4.2.4  890℃淬火+500℃回火的金相组织    15
    4.2.5  900℃正火+890℃淬火的金相组织    15
    4.2.6  900℃正火+890℃淬火+340℃回火的金相组织    15
    4.2.7  900℃正火+890℃淬火+500℃回火的金相组织    16
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