
    GFRP gear-shaped tool (right side of Fig. 7(b)). Inaddition, the tip of the tooth is rounder by 5 m. Tooth-to-toothradial composite deviations were measured by the double-flankmeshing tester R-25 (OsakaSeimitsu Kikai Co., Ltd.) using the workgear and master gear, and the measurement results are shown inFig. 8. The tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation is large andthe maximum value is 16 m for the work gear before the experi-ment due to the burrs. However, this deviation is reduced and themaximum value is 2 m after the removal process using the GFRPgear-shaped tool because the burrs were removed.3.3. Removal experiment of pitThe removal experiment of a pitwas performed under the samecondition. A pit of 34 m was intentionally formed on the to toptooth edge of the work gear, as shown in Fig. 9(a). The conditionof the tooth top of the work gear after the experiment is shown inFig. 9(b).The pit was removed. In the measured tooth flank form shownin Fig. 10, the protrusion due to the pit is observed before theexperiment but it is removed after the experiment. The measure-ment results of the tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation of thework gear is shown in Fig. 11. The deviation is reduced considerablybecause of the pit removal.The GFRP gear-shaped tool was observed after the experimentand the tooth tip and edge were found to be free of chips. Conven-tional gear-shaped grinding wheels often become chipped whenused for such small gears. The results from the present study indi-cate that GFRP can prevent chipping of the tool. In addition, theresults described above confirm that the GFRP gear-shaped tooland the proposedmethod are effective for removing burrs and pits.3.4. Comparative experiments on removing secondary burrs andpits using the nylon/abrasive filament brush and the GFRPgear-shaped toolIn this experiment, the removal of secondary burrs from asmall gear is performed using either the nylon/abrasive filamentbrush or the GFRP gear-shaped tool. The gear dimensions and theexperimental conditions are shown in Table 3(a) and (b), respec-tively.Photographs showing the states of the tooth edge and tooth sideof the work gear before and after the removal process are shown in Fig. 12. As shown in Fig. 12(a), the nylon/abrasive filament brushfailed to remove the secondary burrs of 60 m, although it didround the tooth-side edge. In contrast, the GFRP gear-shaped toolsucceeded in removing the secondary burrs of 70 m protrudingtoward the tooth groove, as shown in Fig. 12(b), although a fewburrs remain at the tooth bottom. The gear-shaped tool did notreach the bottom of the tooth because the tooth depth of the toolis too shallow (the tooth depth of the GFRP gear-shaped tool is0.1325mm smaller than that of the work gear). It is assumed thatthese burrs could be removed using a GFRP gear-shaped toolwith ahigher tooth depth. The result obtained when a gear (module: 0.5,number of teeth: 40) was processed using a
    GFRP gear-shaped toolwith a higher tooth depth (high addendum) that reached the toothbottomis shown in Fig. 13. Even the secondary burrs at the bottompart of the tooth were completely removed by this process.The experimental results for removing pits from the tooth edgeof a small gear are shown in Fig. 14. The gear dimensions and theexperimental conditions are listed in Table 4. As shown in Fig. 14(a),a pit embossment is reduced from 47 mto34 m but it stillremains after using the nylon/abrasive filament brush. However,the embossment of 97 mwas removed perfectly by theGFRP gear-shaped tool (Fig. 14(b)).The above results demonstrate that the proposedmethod using theGFRP gear-shaped tool ismore effectivethan using the nylon/abrasive filament brush to remove secondaryburrs and pits.4. Stability of the removal effect of GFRP gear-shaped tooland its durabilityIn this chapter, the stability of the removal effect of the GFRPgear-shaped tool and the tool’s durability are investigated by exper-iments.4.1. Stability of the removal effect of the GFRP gear-shaped toolExperiments are performed to investigate whether the burrand pit removal effect of the GFRP gear-shaped tool is stable.Seventy-sevenwork gears (module: 0.6, number of teeth: 50, pres-sure angle: 20◦, helix angle: 30◦) are processed by the proposedremoval method using the GFRP gear-shaped tool. Fig. 15 showsthe tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviations of the work gearsbefore and after the removal process. The average of the tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation is 14.0 m and the maximum is51.3 m before the removal process. The deviation value is largedue to the burrs. The dispersion is also large and the standard devi-ation is 7.1 m. In contrast, the tooth-to-tooth radial compositedeviation of work gears becomes small after the removal process.The average of the tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation is4.6 m and the maximum value is 6 m after the removal pro-cess. The standard deviation is 0.7 m. The tooth profile forms offive processedwork gears aremeasured and it is confirmed that noabnormal states occur on the tooth. These results indicate that theGFRP gear-shaped tool has high stability in the removal of burrs.4.2. Durability of GFRP gear-shaped toolThe durability of the GFRP gear-shaped tool is investigated. TheGFRP gear-shaped tool and the proposed removal method wereutilized in a mass production process in a certain company, whichremains anonymous in this report. The durability of the proposedtool is evaluated. The tool life is evaluated based on the measure-ment result of the tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviations of thework gear after the removal process. When the measured tooth-Table 4(a) Dimensions of the GFRP gear-shaped tool and work gear in the comparative to-tooth radial composite deviations become more than 6 m, itis judged that the tool life has been reached. According to thisinvestigation, a GFRP gear-shaped tool (module: 0.55, number ofteeth: 70) had the ability to remove burrs and pits of at least 13,298work gears. Another GFRP gear-shaped tool (module: 0.8, numberof teeth: 48) removed burrs and pits of at least 16,797 work gears.These results in the mass production process show that the GFRPgear-shaped tool has sufficient durability for industrial use.5. Conditions of tooth surface of work gear and GFRPgear-shaped tool and processing fluidIn this chapter, conditions of the tooth surface of the work gearand the GFRP gear-shaped tool, and the processing fluid after theremoval process are observed.5.1. Tooth surface conditionThe surface roughness of the tooth of the work gear beforeand after the removal process is measured in the profile directionusing the surface-roughness measuring machine SV-C500 (Mitu-toyo). Surface roughness Ra, Ry, and Rz (JIS 0601:1994) of the toothsurface are 0.089 m, 0.642 m, and 0.444 m, respectively beforethe removal process and they became 0.087 m, 0.620 m, and0.355 m, respectively, after the removal process. The tooth surfaceconditions of the work gear before and after the experimentdescribed in Section 3.2 are shown in Fig. 16. As indicated inFig. 16(a), prior to the experiment, there is a tool mark caused byhobbing on the tooth surface of thework gear, but is removed afterthe processing. The surface roughness of the tooth of the processedgear is measured in the lead direction, and the result is shown inFig. 16(b). It is confirmed that the hobbed tool mark on the toothsurface of thework gear is reduced. This indicates the possibility ofthe GFRP gear-shaped tool to reduce hobbed tool marks as well asto remove burrs and pits. Grinding streaks caused by the glass fiberof the GFRP gear-shaped tool are visible in the direction of the toothprofile, and the tooth surface near the pitch point appears grainy.5.2. Surface condition of GFRP gear-shaped toolThe tooth surface of the GFRP gear-shaped tool after the exper-iment has black and white striped patterns, as shown in Fig. 17(a). As shown in Fig. 17(b), the white regions correspond to areas ofthe glass fiber worn by rubbing the work gear. A magnified imageof the black region of the GFRP gear-shaped tool obtained usingoptical microscopy is shown in Fig. 18. Minute chips are visiblein the groove of the glass fiber.
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