the modified k—r, equations are solved for the continuous  phase as is observed  in  the  experiments. The  stronger  loop  is  because       and  the  turbulence  quantities  of  dispersed  phase  are  calculated of the high magnitude £fKial velocities stril‹ing the wa s Which 1s using Tchen—theory correlations. It also ta1‹es the fluctuations due not the case in the region above impeller. Comparisons were dolls    to turbulence by solving for the interphase turbulent  momentum with respect  to  the  solids velocities,  turbulent  l‹inetic  energy,  afld  transfer.  For  the  sake  of  brevity,  only  the  equations  of mixture solids sojourn times at various parts  of the  tanl‹.  LES predicted  model  for  turbulence  are  given  below.  Other  equations  can be radial velocities  fietter than the Euler—Euler  in the impeller  planés        found  in  the Fluent  user guide  [14].

Elsewhere,  both  the  predictions  were  comparable.  It  was because

of the high turbulent fluctuations in this region that was not tal‹en into account by the drag formulation used.

D.     'ndnerknr ct aI./ Advanced  Powder Technology 23  (20 12) 445—453 447


C „ and Cz,- are constants, cr, and v are turbulent Prandtl numbers.

The mixture density, pz and velocity, fig are computed from the equations  below:

Turbulent viscosity, y and turbulence  l‹inetic energy,  G are computed  from equations below:

3.3. Tui bulent dispersion force

In the simulation of solid suspension in stirred tanks, the turbu— lent dispersion force is significant when the size of turbulence ed- dies is larger than the particle size [2]. Its significance is also highlighted in some previous studies [4 5]. The role of this force is also analysed in this study. It is incorporated along with the momentum equation and is given as follows:

where  drift velocity,  dr  is given by,


Dp And D   are diffusivities and cr    is dispersion  Prandtl   number.

3.4. Interphase drag force

The drag force represents interphase momentum transfer due to the disturbance created by each phase. For dilute systems and low Reynolds number, particle drag is given by Stokes law  and for high Reynolds number, the Schillar Nauman drag model can be used. In the literature review other drag models such as Gidas- pow model [10] and Wen and Yu model [16] have also been dis- cussed. But for stirred tanl‹ systems, there should  be a  model that tal‹es turbulence into account as with increasing Reynolds number and with the increase in the eddy sizes, the impact of tur- bulence on the drag increases. Considering this Brucato et al. [11 ] proposed a new drag model making drag coefficient as a function of ratio of particle diameter and Itolmogorov length scales. So, with the change in the turbulence at some local point in the system, the drag will also change. The drag coefficient proposed by Brucato et al. is given below:

are available in the literature [17,18]. For the conditions studied in this paper, the drag force calculated using these models was similar to the modified Brucato drag model. Therefore, Brucato and modified Brucato models were used for further study.
















