2. Comparing the list of dispatching rules and performance criteria from the surveyed literature.
Buzacott and Yao [42] presented a comprehensive review of the analytical models developed for the design and scheduling of FMSs. They strongly advocated analytical methods as giving a better insight into the system performance than simulation models. This point of view was adopted since, most probably, simulation techniques had not been refined up that time. In the 1980s, there was less attention to the use of simulation in manufacturing applications [43], mainly because of the lack of model building expertise. Rahnejat [43] stated that analytical models are not efficient for reasonably sized problems. These models employ simplified assumptions that are not always valid in practice and also take a static view of the shop floor.
2.2 Statistics on Scheduling Problems and Performance Measures
2.2.1 Scheduling Problems
Table 1 summarises the scheduling problems that were con- sidered in the papers under this category. Parts dispatching was the most popular scheduling problem and machine selec- tion was the second one. These are long-lasting problems because papers in 2000 were still considering these problems.
Table 1. Scheduling problem in general FMS scheduling studies.
Scheduling Number of Reference number Period
problem publications of publications
Parts dispatching 36 [4], [23], [25], 1979–2000
[27], [28], [32],
[34], [36], [44],
[46–50], [50],
[52–54], [57–64],
[66], [70–77],
[79], [80]
Machine 8 [4,] [45], [51], 1981–2000
selection [60], [67–69],
AGV scheduling 4 [54], [67–69] 1986–1998
Others 5 [54–56], [66], 1986–1997
proposed rules have a significant influence on performance measures.
Stecke and Solberg [45] carried out a simulation study of an FMS at the Caterpillar Tractor Company to show the impact of several machine sequencing rules on the performance of the FMS, under different loading objectives. The model contained ten machines with two carts to transport parts. They concluded that scheduling rules have a significant effect on the perform- ance of the FMS and some rules that were known to be superior in a conventional job shop performed poorly in the FMS. They also demonstrated that the set of best-performing scheduling rules varied with the performance measures. Thus, there was no single scheduling rule that outperforms the others for all performance measures.
ElMaraghy [25] developed a general discrete-event FMS
simulator. The package was programmed in FORTRAN and
was capable of simulating different configurations. Four dis- patching rules were employed including SPT, FOPR, FIFO,