where V is the cumulative volume of filtrate water, A is the effective
area for filtration, Dp1 is the pressure difference across the algal cake-layer as shown in Fig。 2, l is viscosity of water, and R is the
hydraulic resistance of the cake-layer。 Algal cake-layer resistance is assumed to be proportional to the cake-layer thickness, ‘, by,
R ¼ bðralgae; eÞ· ‘ ð2Þ
where b is the specific resistance of the cake-layer, related to ralgae
and porosity e of the algal cake-layer。
Cake-dewatering compartmentAlgae feed vessel
Water pump
Fig。 1。 Flow-chart of algae-dewatering using a rotary drum vacuum filter with three distinctive zones for algae-filtering, algae-dewatering, and algae-discharging。
P。 Shao et al。 / Chemical Engineering Journal 268 (2015) 67–75 69
Fig。 2。 Algal cake-layer containing network pathways for water filtrate and the structure of the underneath filter medium。
According to Kozeny and Carman [24–26], the specific resis- tance is determined by,
Inserting Eq。 (11) into Eq。 (7) yields,
where K is a constant equal to 5 for spherical packing [24,25], and Sv is the surface area contained in a unit solid volume of the packing。 Thus,
Substituting Eq。 (12) to Eq。 (6) yields
Eq。 (13) is the fundamental equation governing water trans-
Inserting Eq。 (4)into Eq。 (3)yields45ð1 — eÞ2
port through the network channel as depicted in Fig。 2。 Dp1 is the driving force for water transport through the cake-layer,
and the denominator term represents the hydraulic resistance for the filtrate water, revealing that a larger filter area, a bigger
Inserting Eq。 (5) into Eqs。 (2) and (1) gives Eq。 (6)
algaeA · Dp1
algal size, a greater cake-layer porosity, and a lower algae concen- tration all contribute to smaller hydraulic resistance for water
6 transport。
dt ¼ 45ð1 — eÞ2 l · ‘ ð Þ
The thickness of algal cake-layer is determined by the volume of the algae accumulated on the surface of filter medium by
ð1 — eÞA‘ ¼ V algae ð7Þ
The volume fraction of algae in the algae feed is dependent upon the algae concentration, which is defined in Eq。 (8)。 Note in wet algae, about 60% are dry algal biomass [17],
V algaeqalgae m 0:6
3。2。 Transport of filtrate water through the filter medium
The filter medium either in cloth, polyester mesh or nylon- coated metal thread for the rotary drum vacuum filter is consid- ered to have uniform permeability over its entire surface。 To facilitate the treatment of mass transport through these usually non-cylindrical pore structures, they are modeled as an array of
uniform cylindrical pores of a hydraulic radius。 The equivalent pore
size of these media is determined by [27] Eq。 (14),
where V algae is the volume of the wet algae, and qalgae is the specific gravity of the wet algae。 According to Eq。 (8), the volume fraction of algae in the algae feed can be written as: